welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Monday, November 7, 2011

talk, andy, football

tonight i give a talk to the group of family physicians that i use
to work with before i retired
its the first time ive seen most of them since i left almost a
year ago
the talk will be telling my story about what happened to me and
using it as a vehicle to talk about alzheimers disease

those of you who know me well know that i hate to get in front
of a group to talk
when you know the subject well and feel like you know as much
or more than the people you talk to then talking to a group
doesnt bother me any more

my points tonight will be
that alzheimers will be a primary care disease soon as the numbers
of new cases will be too great for specialists to handle them all

that early diagnosis and early treatment is important to change the angle
of decline of this disease

how to evaluate a patient for alzheimers disease

what new biomarkers are/will available to use in these evaluations

what treatments are available and will be available in the future

what can be done to prevent or delay the onset of this terrible

then to remind them to not forget the caretaker

more in am on how this talk went

later this week an interview with a local metropolitan newspaper,
an interview with a local dallas tv station, the 6 month follow up
with the adni study in dallas then our annual trip to lost maples
more on all this later

may he rest in peace
was one of the high points of the weekend to listen to his 5 minute
talk on things we probably noticed but didnt think about

hell be missed

what a great football weekend
hogs won sorry old ball coach
horns just dominated the raiders
run run run  is what they did
hopefully the rest of the season goes well

then how about them cowboys
they looked good yesterday

those aggies
they continue to go south
what great expectations their fans had
of course their season was always complete if they beat texas
so on thanksgiving day well see
that will be the final game of a series that has being going
on for years
now they will play lsu, alabama, south carolina instead of
texas, okla, okla state

lsu alabama what a great game
to bad that wasnt the national championship game

the organicgreen doctor

1 comment:

  1. You will do great with your talk. I am so glad you will be able to share a perspective that they may not know or understand. You will be helping others and that is a gift to the world.
    I agree on Andy. I remember as a kid watching his commentary with my Grandparents and them talking and laughing after he was done. Then when I got married, we enjoyed watching him talk about things most people wanted to ignore. They world has lost a great, talented icon.
