welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Friday, December 19, 2014

the anniversary

each year at this time
i stop what im doing
try to slow down some
to reflect on the last 4 years
especially that day 4 years ago
when my life came to a screeching halt

one day i worked seeing over 30 patients
one in the mid day that day was
an alzheimers patient
one of my surreal moments when i reflected back
i wrote him a prescription for his aricept (donepezil)
which he took for his alzheimers disease
little did i know
that the next day almost exactly 24 hours later
a  neurologist would write me the same prescription
and go over the same side effects that i had done
with my patient and his daughter
surreal it was

my last patient of the day
was an employees child who was due for his
two year check up
i asked her to come in after my last patient so i
could do it
knowing he would be the last patient i ever saw
as a practicing family doctor

i also for a few weeks had refilled folks prescriptions
even had some come in early for rechecks and
physicals knowing i would not probably return

i got the news the next day fours years ago
my life changed

here is the link to the blog i wrote to my patients
last day thanks

each year i reflect back at where i was
and where i am now

in these 48 months i have learned a lot about
alzheimers disease
as much if not more than most family doctors
heck sometimes i am asked for recommendations
advice from some who are practicing

i still keep in contact with my patients via this blog
email facebook twitter
that helps a lot
i have enjoyed watching the younger one grow up
many entering their chosen careers

i do wish i could practice again
to take care of more dementia patients
do it the way it should be done

i am still in the big alzheimers study
the alzheimers disease neuroimaging initiative
the alzheimers blood test study
hopefully soon to be in a new treatment study using
one of the iv alzheimers vaccine

i recently as ive mentioned a lot recently
am doing the 36 point reversal of cognitive decline protocol
that was published from uclas alzheimers center

i personally as i have said before feel better
i think there has been a slight improvement
reflected on my moca and neuropsychological tests
just awaiting on that cure
this stuff im doing probably doesnt stop the disease
it does i think slow it down

i am active physically and mentally
reading a lot
doing this blog
volunteering at meals on wheels
volunteering at habitat for humanity builds
volunteering big time for the alzheimers association
presenting talks on alzheimers disease to different groups
here at the country n i do gardening a lot of landscaping
repairing things rainwater harvesting
this year i am adding beekeeping to my activities
country n honey coming soon
add that to our country n girls egg production

so in summary
i feel better much better than four years ago
i see more hope than four years ago
i see more hope for future generations
i stay as busy as i want to be

i do miss practicing medicine a lot
have accepted my new place in this world

i am at peace with myself

the organicgreen doctor

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