Friday, September 30, 2022

organicgreendoctor: alzheimers news-will this be the one

organicgreendoctor: alzheimers news-will this be the one: ALZHIEIMERS NEWS-WILL THIS BE THE ONE we may be getting closer now to some treatments in the amyloid theory of alzheimers something happens ...

alzheimers news-will this be the one


we may be getting closer now to some treatments

in the amyloid theory of alzheimers something happens in the brain so that amyloid accumulates as amyloid plaques which kills brain cells
not long after this starts happening tau protein in the nerve cells starts unwinding to form tangles which also kills brain cells
an inflammatory response occurs to this brain cell damage that causes even more damage
eventually this all progresses all over the brain

this is what happens in alzheimers

the hope is that removing amyloid will slow down the disease

aduhelm or aducanumab and lecanemab and gantenerumab and donanemab
they all attack the amyloid and remove it from the brain hoping they each will slow down the disease progression

first entry was my drug biogens aduhelm or aducanumab
in studies there were two major ones one study showed it didnt work very well
the other study showed when the highest dose was used that it slowed cognitive decline by about 22%

the problem was that biogen did things all wrong trying to get it on the market
they it seemed to use their influence to get it approved by the fda
they it seemed to have tried to get it approved before studies were finished that would show if that higher dose worked like that small arm of the study showed it did

they made a lot of folks uncomfortable the way they did it including me
i said before it just smelled bad

now i have been on aduhelm for 18 months of placebo and for about 20 months of the real drug with most of that being the higher dose

if it works my amyloid pet scan should show that most if not all of the measurable amyloid plaque in my bran is now gone

so if it does its job it removes the amyloid plaque but does it slow down memory loss
my study i am in now called the embarks study and other similar studies will show if it does
i finish this study around july of next year
the results will be published not long after that

my guess is that it will show a slow down of memory decline of about 22%

so in summary this drug does what its suppose to do biogen just hasnt finished the job of doing the research to the end
that happens next year
we will know for sure then

now enter lecanemab
biogen and eisai are doing the research but this time eisai is doing the roll out like it should be done
this week its reported that it seems to slow down memory decline by 27%
it will seek fda approval in january
it seems since they are doing the roll out of the drug like it should be done that it will get approval by the fda early next year

is it better than the aduhelm 
yes 5% better
does it have the same side effects
yes it has aria side effects or microbleeds as a side effect maybe a little less than biogen
most patients with aria have no symptoms
in the studies i have had umpteen mris to rule out microbleeds and i have none

there is a lot of excitement in the air over lecanemab
it will probably get approved
its possible that medicare and insurances will pay for it
it will probably be a drug that those who want it will start early in the disease
if it was available in 2010 i would have been on it for 12 years

coming soon next year is
roche gantenerumab
lilly donanemab

its looking like lecanemab may win the battle
aducanumb or aduhelm will probably drop out for the reasons mentioned above and since its slightly about 5% less effective than lecanemab
aducanumab also has more aria
aducanumab is given once a month as an infusion 
lecanemab is given twice a month as an infusion

all this ranking could change as the results of aducanumab and gantenerumab and donanemab studies are in next year

would i swap to lecanemab
i will take the one that seems to work the best and has the least side effects and the easiest treatment regimens
it may not be aduhelm or aducanumab

there seems to be an excitement again in the alzheimers world

you can join and or donate to our 
organicgreendoctor walk team for the santa barbara walk to end alzheimers on saturday november 5th

the organicgreen doctor

Thursday, September 29, 2022

organicgreendoctor: garden news-i am a lay master gardener

organicgreendoctor: garden news-i am a lay master gardener: GARDEN NEWS-I AM A LAY MASTER GARDENER there is a master gardener program that involves classes and testing that certifies you as a master g...

garden news-i am a lay master gardener


there is a master gardener program that involves classes and testing that certifies you as a master gardener
after completing the course you have to do volunteer gardening and continuing education

i looked into getting my master gardener certification but decided not to
i wasnt sure how much i would gain from doing it

i had been gardening for years
while at the country n i would listen to 3 hrs plus of organic gardening radio each weekend while i was working in my garden or on our property
some of the top organic gardening experts were on these programs
i learned a lot listening to those programs

i also attended a lot of organic gardening seminars by these and other organic gardening experts like john dromgoole the natural gardener howard garrett the dirt doctor and malcom beck the god of organic gardening in texas etal
i read several books on it and received several organic magazines

i did this for several years

so i didnt feel like i had much to gain from doing the master gardener program except for getting a certification

we have two volunteers in our community garden that are master gardeners
i will admit we complement each other in our knowledge
they know stuff i dont know and i know stuff they dont

bottom line
im through with schooling

this week i read an article from the texas gardener magazine newsletter on 10 things maser backyarders do that we should all be doing
the link above will be available after a one week delay 

i read them
im already doing them

combat climate change on a micro level
in the country n i xeriscaped our property and planted lots of native plants and trees used lots of mulch conserved water planted a lot of native grasses collected rainwater had solar panels did a lot of recycling
these helped produce more oxygen and absorbed more co2

dont let a lack of space deter backyarding
i have plants on my deck and plants in my house
i have a 400 square foot garden plot at our community garden that i grow vegetables year round

creatively using outdoor space
at the country n we had several water trough ponds with fish and aquatic plants
we had a bbq area a few steps from our back door
we had a 50 foot arbor with native plants on it
we had lots of rainwater tanks
we had a 1 mile walking trail through our pastures

put the right plants in the right place
i see folks not doing this all the time
plants too close to the house
plants not made to grow in the area
plants that are invasive

plant for pollinators and wildlife
at the country n i had a lot of native plants that provided food for wildlife
we provided water all over the property 
at our community garden here we have a long row of native plants for butterflies and bees and hummingbirds
we also plant a lot of sunflowers for the birds to eat the seeds
we keep water in birdbaths for the birds and bees and butterflies

get outside year around
i have always done this
here in santa barbara its easier to do
rain and colder weather doesnt keep me from being outside
i am out there outside almost everyday

utilize community parks and public green spaces
my wife she uses these for the grandkids
here we have several nice places for them to go to
then of course we have tons of hiking trails in the foothills and mountains 
then we have the beautiful beaches with easy access

keep the family dog in mind
here we dont have a dog
at the country n we always had at least twos dogs
we had at least 3 sources of water for them
i even had a water trough just for them to climb into during the summer 
we had plenty of shade
they were outside dogs but had access to doghouses in our garage
however they always slept on our covered porch or just out in the yard
we had easy access to the river about a quarter of mile away

teach kids the importance of green space
our grandkids love our community garden
they can spend an hour or two there and not get bored
they love to eat things right from the garden
our community garden also does educational classes for kids each fall
we are starting our program back up next month as about 500 elementary kids will flow through our garden in our fall classes

embrace the health benefits of the backyard
i do that for sure
its my zen moment each morning
its my meditation moment each morning
its my source of exercise
its my source of mental relaxation
its my food source
yes its like they said in the article 
its my prozac

so i  am not a certified master gardener
as the two master gardeners tell me
you dont need to do the course you already know more than we do

ill accept the title of lay master gardener and master backyarder

the organicgreen doctor

organicgreendoctor: my story revisited #151-i will probably need one

organicgreendoctor: my story revisited #151-i will probably need one: MY STORY REVISITED #151-I WILL PROBABLY NEED ONE this week i have been in contact with two folks who are now caregivers they are both men us...

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

my story revisited #151-i will probably need one


this week i have been in contact with two folks who are now caregivers
they are both men
usually its women who are the caregivers for their husbands

one recently placed his wife in a small more personable care center
he can visit everyday

the other is at the beginning of the journey as his wife is just getting diagnosed and is still at home

my recommendation to folks who will be caregivers or are caregivers is to take care of yourself 
you are not good to loved ones if your health physically and mentally is not good

the link below in this old blog has links for caregivers to help them get ready to be caregivers
and for those who are already caregivers

the first gentleman i mentioned reached out to the local alzheimers association and found sources to help him 
he also found this small facility where his wife is located through that source

my wife she reads all this information so she can be ready as she can be when her time comes to be a caregiver
ok so she already says shes my caregiver

i have also told her to place me somewhere early on before i get worse
not now
i am still doing the shopping and finances and finacial planning and taxes and half the cooking and house work
i got to get her trained to do all that first

this week i attended the local alzheimers walk kickoff meeting
i was asked to talk for a few minutes unexpectedly
ive done it enough that i am always prepared to talk
im looking forward to doing our walk this year
our first live one in 3 years

feel free to donate to or join our team at the link below

yesterday i went to ucla to have my umpteenth mri of the brain
i should get a report in a couple of weeks
the mri is looking for microbleeds in the brain from my being on aduhelm or aducanumab
so far
no microbleeds
no brain shrinkage
no increase in numbers of white matter hyperintensities
no notable shrinkage of the hypothalamus
no other abnormalities are noted

when my brother and my mother had their scans when they were diagnosed they had obvious brain shrinkage

hopefully im a few years away from that

you just got the word or maybe it has already happened
this new role called
sorry to tell you but it is probably going to suck big time
its not going to get better
it only gets worse
thats the reality of being a caregiver

so how do you make the best of it
its called preparation

the number one source of information about alzheimers disease and about
caregiving is 
which is the alzheimers associations website

now go there
click on the alzheimers and dementia label
go read about dementia and pick out your loved ones diagnosis
alzheimers disease and read about it

there is a section called
the caregiver stress check

click on it and answer the questions and follow through as it gives you
just do it please

there is a section called
the alzheimers navigator
click here to get an action plan to meet your specific needs
then click get started to answer questions
it only takes a few minutes

you will be glad that you did this
please oh please follow their suggestions

do this even especially even if the diagnosis is new and early
the earlier you start the better things are for you

then there is a section called
we can help
which by the way they can
click here to access that area

dont please dont do this by yourself
your family and friends and neighbors want to help and support you
it will take a village to do this

take this purple challenge
no it doesnt involve an ice bucket or anything like that

go to
type in your zip code and select the nearest walk to end alzheimers
donate or join a team or form you own
the cost to walk is zero nada $0
get involved
take the purple challenge

accept the challenge

these people did
if you are a caregiver seek out help
if you are a patient consider joining a clinical trial
if you are wanting to be involved
join a local walk
donate and or join my team

you can join and or donate to our 
organicgreendoctor walk team for the santa barbara walk to end alzheimers on saturday november 5th

this is our 12th year to do the alzheimers walks

help us find a treatment or cure for this terrible disease

the organicgreen doctor

Monday, September 26, 2022

organicgreendoctor: would you or would i get our student loans forgiven

organicgreendoctor: would you or would i get our student loans forgiven: WOULD YOU OR WOULD I GET OUR STUDENT LOANS FORGIVEN my answer is yes whats your answer if there was a new federal tax exemptio...

would you or would i get our student loans forgiven

my answer is yes
whats your answer

if there was a new federal tax exemption that you didnt agree with that would save you $20,000 would you take the exemption and save on your taxes
would you say no i dont agree with it

most of you plus me would take the exemption

if this student debt relief plan was available when i was finishing all my school and training
you betcha i would have filled out the forms to see if i qualified

here is a link to the rules and q and a on the student debt relief plan

when i finished all my schooling and training i owed around $20,000
it took me over 15 years to pay it off
the amount was higher because of interest

in college i received scholarships and grants and took out school loans
in medical school i took out more loans
i also received a national health service scholarship that paid my tuition and fees and gave me a stipend for 3 years
in return i owed 3 years i had to serve in an underserved area

my loans and interest was deferred though medical school and residency and through my 3 year obligation

when my obligation ended i started the 15 years it took to pay off the loans

i finished in time for my kids to start college

would i have taken advantage of loan forgiveness if it had been available

yep i would have without second thoughts
just like i did tax exemptions i took that were legal but didnt seem fair to me but i took them anyway
they saved me thousands of dollars in taxes

so would you
most if not all of you would

i looked at the list of eligible school debts from the link above
i had several of those that would have made me qualify

also later on my income level would start limiting my loan forgiveness

so take a look at that link above and repeated here and see if you qualify or your family members qualify or friends qualify
if you do 
get your application processed as per the link above
if you wait it may be too late as it ends 12-31-22

here is a good review article on the loan relief program

yep or you betcha or yes
i would have applied for this loan forgiveness just like i did for those doesnt seem right tax deductions

also you may qualify for loan forgiveness under the public service loan forgiveness program linked here

the organicgreen doctor

Saturday, September 24, 2022

organicgreendoctor: top foods that make us sick with e coli

organicgreendoctor: top foods that make us sick with e coli: TOP FOODS THAT MAKE US SICK WITH E COLI thats a nasty looking bug e coli is short for escherichia coli its found in our intestinal t...

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

top foods that make us sick with e coli


thats a nasty looking bug
e coli is short for escherichia coli
its found in our intestinal tract as well as animals intestinal tract
it can contaminated processed foods and cause a bad case of the gis with vomiting and diarrhea and in some cases death

it gets in our foods in the growing or processing process or food preparation or serving

in meat it comes from contamination during the processing of the meats
in veggies it can be contaminated during the growing process from animal wastes used as fertilizer or in animal wastes contaminating the growing field
in food processing it can contaminate the food as its cleaned and processed

for us
if we get these bad e coli in our system
well we can get sick
the immunosuppressed or elderly or younger folks can get the sickest

recently a list of the top 7 commonly contaminated foods were listed and written about in this article linked here

1 raw meat
just cook it good thats why if i eat meat i like it well done
that way i know its cooked enough
this is especially true of chicken
use a meat thermometer
if i see pink i know i might sink 

2 leafy veggies
how does this happen
contaminated water or not well composted compost or contamination in the packaging
my question is
is that triple washed salad mix really safe
ive been known to wash it a fourth time
a lot of our leafy greens come from my garden which is safe from contamination

3 sprouts
i dont worry about this since we rarely eat them
contamination occurs in growing and packaging and processing for meals

4 unpasteurized milk
the germs can get in the milk from the cows udders during milking
pasteurizing milk heats it up enough to kill germs
i know folks who drink this 
i choose not to 
ok i dont ever drink milk

5 unpasteurized cheese
same as milk
pasteurizing it kills the germs

6 unpasteurized juice and cider
i dont drink either so im not worried
apparently the fruits used can get contaminated with e coli

7 flour
sorry i wouldnt think of this 
flour can get contaminated during growing the grains or in processing it
dont eat raw cookie dough
dont eat flour food unless its been cooked
i repeat dont eat raw cookie dough

wash your hands with soap and water
wash your veggies well yes even if they are triple washed
cook your meat using a meat thermometer
keep your counter tops cleaned off
wash your hands after preparing food

watch for recalls
eg i remember the big recall of spinach a few years ago
as well as other leafy greens that were contaminated during the growing process from contaminated animal waste nearby
the e coli was grown in if you will into the leafy greens so you couldnt wash it off
that produce had to be all thrown away

during this spinach recall you couldnt find spinach
at that time i had loads of malibar spinach growing it my garden
friend eagerly sought out our spinach

we safely follow all these recommendations so we wont get sick
ive seen my wife she take a bite out of cookie dough

all i could say to her if she got sick 
what did you learn

the organicgreen doctor

Saturday, September 17, 2022

organicgreendoctor: alzheimers news-can covid cause alzheimers

organicgreendoctor: alzheimers news-can covid cause alzheimers: ALZHEIMERS NEWS-CAN COVID CAUSE ALZHEIMERS the answer to the question in the title is  maybe a doctor i see developed covid in march 2020 th...

alzheimers news-can covid cause alzheimers


the answer to the question in the title is 

a doctor i see developed covid in march 2020
they described having brain fog that made it hard to think and concentrate
a year later they still had some residual brain fog

it been shown that covid can lead to neuroinflammation and to an increase in amyloid and tau protein in the brain just like what you see in alzheimers disease

a study linked here found that elderly patients who developed covid had a doubling of the risk for developing alzheimers in the first year after getting covid
they compared folks who had covid with folks who didnt have covid

this risk was worse in women over 85

luckily the older population has the highest immunization rate against covid than other age groups
we know and understand how bad covid can be for our age group
add alzheimers to that list of bad things to worry about 

we can add getting your covid immunizations updated and maybe wearing a mask in high risk situations to maybe prevent you from developing alzheimers

for me
since ive worked hard the last 12 years to slow down my disease
i plan to next get my bicovid vaxxine against covid
knowing its good for my brain

add that to all those healthy things to do to slow down or prevent alzheimers disease

the organicgreen doctor

Friday, September 16, 2022

organicgreendoctor: polypill can prevent a second heart atttack

organicgreendoctor: polypill can prevent a second heart atttack: POLYPILL CAN PREVENT A SECOND HEART ATTACK a polypill is a pill that has several meds in one tablet or capsule india has a polypill it uses ...

polypill can prevent a second heart atttack


a polypill is a pill that has several meds in one tablet or capsule
india has a polypill it uses as a primary prevention of cardiovascular disease
ie stroke and heart atttack and some would add alzheimers to that list
the india polypill has aspirin and a statin drug and a blood pressure drug mixed together

recently in this study linked here and reviewed here a polypill made up of aspirin and ramipiril or altace and atorvastatin or lipitor was given to folks after a heart attack to prevent stroke and or a second heart attack and it significantly reduced the number of these events

the aspirin prevents a blood clot from forming
the ramipril controls the blood pressure and helps take the load off the heart
the atorvastatin lowers the cholesterol

here is a review of polypills available in the world but not here in the us

now i looked at these and realized i have been on these drugs now for about 12 years
im just taking mine separately as an individual pill ie aspirin plus atorvastatin plus a cousin to ramipril although i got off the cousin pill two years ago when my blood pressure was too low

usually most folks after a heat attack are put on a similar regimen using 3 or more different prescription
it may be aspirin or another similar drug
a statin drug
a blood pressure medicine similar to the ramipril or another blood pressure pill that works to control the blood pressure or help the heart work better

i always wondered maybe more of us should be on the ingredients in the polypill before we have a heart atack or stroke or develop alzheimers disease

also the polypill increases compliance since its just one pill you pop in your mouth each day and your done
compliance is probably the reason this polypill works better 

look at the medicine you are on 
if you are on the polypill ingredients already 
you should feel good about the protection its providing

i was looking at the death certificate of a relative from the 1950s
he died from angina and hypertension at the age of 58
both easily treated now days
the polypill would have kept him from developing cardiovascular disease
he could have had a stent placed or a bypass graft done and then placed on the polypill ingredients 
he might have lived another 30 years

so look and see if you are taking the polypill ingredients or its equivalence
if you are you should feel good about taking your pills each day 

my relative would have loved to have had access to these meds

the polypill is not available in the us but it is elsewhere
the ingredients are available in the generic form though in the us

i dont want to die from something i can prevent

the organicgreen doctor

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

organicgreendoctor: my story revisited #150-get the diagnosis right

organicgreendoctor: my story revisited #150-get the diagnosis right: M Y STORY REVISITED #150-GET THE DIAGNOSIS RIGHT in 2022 you should be able to accurately diagnosis alzheimers disease in patients with memo...

my story revisited #150-get the diagnosis right


in 2022 you should be able to accurately diagnosis alzheimers disease in patients with memory loss
i have had all of these tests so i feel like my diagnosis of mci due to alzheimers is accurate

i had a thorough neurological history and exam lots of tests like labs spinal taps genetic tests mris neuropsychological exams amyvid pet scans and tau pet scans
it all says i have alzheimers disease as my diagnosis
its as accurate as it can be in 2022

note i also have had the alzheimers blood test done for amyloid and tau but have not seen the results since it was done in research studies
i presume that its positive since im still in the biogen aduhelm study called the embark study

note yesterday at ucla i got my #21 infusion of aduhelm or aducanumab
i previously had 18 infusions of the placebo

there are several other causes of dementia besides alzheimers disease
alzheimers is the most common one

back when i wrote the blog below i had given a presentation on the other dementia causes for a two day seminar for memory care workers

its important to get the diagnosis correct since the management of these different dementias are different

the blog below lists the most common other dementias
to those who were at my alzheimers presentation yesterday
here are the links to the online quizzes i mentioned

21 question questionnaire

i got asked this question twice yesterday
is alzheimers disease dementia
is dementia alzheimers disease

the answer is yes and no

dementia is a general term that is loss of memory that interferes
with your daily life
it has several causes

one of them is alzheimers disease
the most common type of dementia
it makes up 60-80% of all cases of dementia
inside the brain beta amyloid and tau protein accumulation occurs
that results in brain cell damage and death

vascular dementia
is the second most common cause of dementia
it represents 10% of all cases
commonly its caused by strokes or ministrokes
also on brain imaging vascular changes can be seen
sometimes these are silent changes
the symptoms can vary based on the area of the brain affected

dementia with lewy bodies
not as common as the other two above
its is caused by an accumulation of proteins in the cortex of the brain
called alpha synuclein
the diagnosis is made  by an experienced doctor like a neurologist
who puts the patients history together to make the diagnosis
final true diagnosis can only be made by autopsy

mixed dementia
it represents a mixture of more than one type of dementia
usually a mixture of alzheimers disease and vascular dementia
lewy body dementia can also be mixed with alzheimers disease
and or vascular dementia
mixed is more common than we realized before

parkinsons disease
it can lead to a progressive dementia
there can be changes caused by the protein alpha synuclein
like in lewy body dementia

frontotemporal dementia
the front lobes and temporal lobes are affected
think front of brain and over temples
they get changes in personality and behavior at a earlier age
they tend to progress faster than alzheimers disease
theres not the microscopic changes you see in the dementias above

creuztfeldt jakobs disease cjd
a very rare disease
a variant found in cattle called mad cow disease can be transferred
to humans
its a rapid progressive disease

normal pressure hydrocephalus
a rare one but its an important one since if its diagnosed
and treated with shunting a person might show marked improvement
there is increased fluid buildup in the brain which can be relieved for
some by removing the fluid by placing a shunt to the brain to drain
the fluid or by removing the fluid by spinal tap

huntingtons disease
a genetic progressive disease

wernicke-korksakoff syndrome
is caused by a severe lack of vitamin b12 or thiamine
commonly caused by alcohol abuse
thiamine is needed by the nerve cells to provide sugar for energy
no thiamine no energy production so brain cells dont work

so in summary
yes alzheimers is the most common cause of dementia
but a patients dementia can be caused by many causes as above

an excellent online reference on dementia is
the alzheimers associations website
so make sure your or your loved ones memory loss is evaluated completely
consider walking in your local alzheimers walk

you can join and or donate to our 
organicgreendoctor walk team for the santa barbara walk to end alzheimers on saturday november 5th

this is our 12th year to do the alzheimers walks

help us find a treatment or cure for this terrible disease

the organicgreen doctor

Monday, September 12, 2022

organicgreendoctor: covid19-immunization schedule for covid for fall 2022

organicgreendoctor: covid19-immunization schedule for covid for fall 2022: COVID 19- IMMUNIZAITON SCHEDULE FOR COVID FOR FALL 2022 the recommended bicovid vaccine schedule is below from the california covid 19 vacci...

covid19-immunization schedule for covid for fall 2022


the recommended bicovid vaccine schedule is below from the california covid 19 vaccination program

the bicovid vaccine covers you against the wild type or original covid and the ba.5 or ba.4 variants
right now in the us we are mostly seeing the ba.5 variant

it presumed that there will be another variant pop up over this next year that will take over from the ba.5 variant
this new bicovid vaxxine should provide some protection against the new infections when they pop up

now we will probably go to a once a year covid vaxxine after you have had the primary series
changing the new vaxxine based on what happens to the variant make up of the covid infections over the year

its the same we do with the flu

we are still losing around 400+ people a day to covid

the outbreak will peak again this fall winter along with the flu

so get both shots the new bicovid shot and the flu shot to protect you against both

as i wrote last week in australia who is just finishing their winter they filled their hospitals with covid and flu infected folks

most of us who get the covid infection wont get hospitalized or die
the same with the flu
we can feel real bad for a week or two if we get either of these

like i say some times
i dont want to die from something i can prevent
makes sense to me

if you have had your 4 shots like i have then you should also get the new bicovid vaxxine
since im 72 im also probably in the immunosuppressed group

those of you who have comorbidities like obesity diabetes heart disease lung disease kidney disease cancer to name a few are also in that category

jsut remember we lost over a million folks to covid

few of them were vaxxinated

there is no excuse now

when you look at the schedule look at your age group then look for the original shots you got

basically if you are vaxxinated against covid
just get your bicovid shot this fall

kids under 12 dont get the new bicovid vaxxine
it might be available later next year for them

when you think back over the last 3 years its amazing we have come this far with a vaxxine that we have been able to change to keep up with the covid virus as it changes its dna

also thankfully most of us are immunized against the wild type either from being infected and surviving and or getting vaxxinated

lets build on that immunity by getting this new vaccine
the bicovid vaxxine

the organicgreen doctor

Saturday, September 10, 2022

organicgreendoctor: alzheimers news-disturbing aricept dream

organicgreendoctor: alzheimers news-disturbing aricept dream: ALZHEIMERS NEWS-DISTURBING ARICEPT DREAM if you or your loved ones get put on aricept (donepezil) for alzheimers be aware of side effects th...

alzheimers news-disturbing aricept dream


if you or your loved ones get put on aricept (donepezil) for alzheimers be aware of side effects that will be present for a few weeks but will gradually get better
things like blurry vision or mild vertigo or nausea or diarrhea or abdominal pain or leg cramps or sleep disturbances
most of these go away
leg cramps persist for me
sleep disturbance in the form of reduced hours of sleep remain the same after 12 years on aricept
i only get 5 hours of sleep
i compensate by taking an afternoon nap

aricept causes what i called aricept dreams
i always was a dreamer
aricept enhanced my dreams
usually they are pleasant dreams and dont disturb me too much

i do act out and thrash around and throw things now in my sleep
it could be the aricept doing that and it could be the alzheimers doing it
its probably both

usually my dreams fade away when i wake up so that before the sun is up good ive forgotten most of the dream
this week i had one thats stayed with me now two days later

the night before that dream i woke up in my dream and this storm trooper looking character was coming toward me with his bright red right eye and his bright green left eye
i threw a pillow at him
then someone grabbed my shoulder and i started to attack that intruder

it was my wife she trying to calm me down
i looked over and realized the storm trooper was actually our printer that was left on

the next night
i was with my wife she as she and i was going to my classes i was taking at the university of texas where i was getting my phd
in my dream i already had my md and was now retired 
in my dream my diagnosis was the same as it was now
i had trouble finding my classes and had missed several so i was trying to see what my grades were and whether i would continue the classes

my wife she and i had to go up an elevator in one tower then walk over a walkway then go down another elevator
there we found an office where the person there said she could take me where i needed to go

my wife she and i and her went to this large class room with folks walking around looking confused or had some mental issues
my wife she said you stay with her the teacher
she left then the teacher left
i looked around 
i realized i couldnt leave 
the teacher left me there alone with those people

i realized in my dream that they thought i had a mental illness and i needed to stay there with those patients
i ddnt think i belonged with them
i couldnt get out

i could see out the door and out the window through the bars

then i woke up

i felt sad as i was awakening 

is this going to be what its like one day for me
ill get left somewhere with those people

even this morning two days i feel sad thinking about it

now my wife she and i have had this conversion several times

when my time comes dont hesitate dont feel guilty
its what i would want to happen to me

just dont put me there too soon
dont keep me at home too long though

dang those aricept dreams

you can join and or donate to our 
organicgreendoctor walk team for the santa barbara walk to end alzheimers on saturday november 5th

this is our 12th year to do the alzheimers walks

help us find a treatment or cure for this terrible disease

the organicgreen doctor