Thursday, September 23, 2010

my nephews wife/breast cancer

my nephews wife does not have breast cancer
my nephews wife is involved in the susan g komena race for the cure
in the state where she lives
my nephews wifes goal is to raise $150 to pay for a mammogram
for someone who can not afford one
my nephews wife needs us to donate money no matter how small
to the race for the cure under her name

my nephews wife says go to then scroll over
race for the cure  click donate    then click donate to a participant team
type in her name and donate whatever you can

my nephews wife has several people in her group that have been
walking in preparation for the walk in october

breast cancer story
while working at another location several years ago had a patient
who got annual breast exams and annual mammograms
she got a mammogram after her annual physical-she had a normal
breast exam
she had calcifications on the mammogram that were not present in the
last years mammogram
she had to have a mastectomy and chemotherapy
she did survive the ordeal

now think of some woman who has no insurance and cant afford
a mammogram
if she had the cancer like my patient she would not have her breast cancer
detected until it was more advanced
she would have a lower chance of survival

take a moment and donate
you could help save a life

my nephews wife she works in a cancer treatment center
and sees what cancer can do when not detected early

thanks to my nephew wife

she is on day 3 of week 2 of the preparation for the
couch to 5 k in late october
go girl

why do they take your blood pressure when you go to the dentist
am glad my dentists doesnt do that
would have high blood pressure every time

the organicgreen doctor

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