Monday, October 4, 2010

the weekend that was with my relatives they

my relatives they spent the long weekend with us(friday to sunday)
my nephew he who -again he did not fall into the rainwater tank- is their son
my relatives they were visiting out of state
my relatives they have several friends that live in this area

my relatives they were fun to be with this weekend
my relatives they dont work off a schedule when they travel
(examples are of the many times they have almost missed their
airplane flights)
if you know them then you know how it is

work from  a list everyday of what am going to do and have
things planned out if am traveling
not my relatives they are just the opposites

am glad am taking them to the airport and not my relatives they
taking me to the airport
been there done that before

my relatives they have such good stories of their attempts to
get to the airport on time
would take up too much blog space to tell them all

my relatives they are not allowed to take us to the airport
when we visit only my motherinlaw she is allowed to take us
or my oldest son he does it

my relatives they are an adventure to spend time with
do not know what the day will develop into

friday my relatives they and my wife she was touring the city
near us when they saw the historical swimming area in the city
my relatives they just happened to have swim suits and swam for a
long time in the creek swim area (it is a beautiful area    is fed by
flowing water all year round-actually have lived in this area for 20 years
and had never seen it-was worth the visit)  thanks guys

my relatives they just happened to have several friends that were here
that weekend and was able to meet up with them

my relatives they and us just chilled out at home on saturday
watched bits of the longhorn game (couldnt take all of it)
my relatives they and my wife she went to one of the nearby
bbq restaurants -rated as one of best in state - and we all stayed home
that day       was very relaxing

my relatives they have appreciation of solar power, green living,
recycling, organic gardening, raising backyard chickens
so share common things with them

my relatives they flew back on sunday
they made their flight on time
made sure of that

the organicgreen doctor

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