Wednesday, January 12, 2011

goin green, karla k morton, thanks

someone commented they did not know where to start
or how to go green

its so easy

rainwater-start with a container under your downspouts
and use the water to water your plants or for your
animals to drink
most common first container is a five gallon bucket  
i still have them in strategic places despite having 30000
gallon tanks to collect rainwater

be careful because it becomes addicting
my brother he went from one 5 gallon bucket to 6
50 gallon tanks to a 300 gallon tank in no time
of course he hid it from the hoa

change all your bulbs to florescent bulbs
can do it gradually so you dont  have to put out so
much money at a time
over time it saves money and eliminates heat production
from the regular bulbs
(i needed a regular electric bulb to put in a lamp over
my water pump last night to keep it warm but could
not find one in our house)

turn off  lights, tv, computer, xbox, etc when not used
i have a power cord that will put things in a sleep mode
if not used

limit water usage
my wife she and i have found that since we are totally on
rainwater for our water system we limit our usage
(survived the drought ok)

recycle trash
we recycle paper, newspapers, bottles, plastic, and glass
there is a center nearby that accepts them

dont buy bottled water
use tap or filtered tap water
most bottled water is just filtered tap water any way
you pay 1000 x more for bottled water than tap water
my wife she and i use a metal reusable water bottles that
are several years old

dont use chemical fertilizers use organic fertilizers for your
yard and never use weed and feed products(they are
banned in canada and in europe)

two good locally made ones are medina organic fertilizer
and the lady bug organic fertilizer
they are usually only found at local nurseries

dont use pesticides insecticides in your house or garden
the product i use in the house is boric acid (roachpruf)
the products i use in the garden are garlic spray, seaweed,
orange oil, insecticidal soap,de(diatamaceous earth),
and bt(bacillus thuringensis)

so for the price of a 5 gallon bucket and some organic
fertilizer and some organic bug products you can now
be prettttttyyyy   green


she is the 2010 poet laureate of texas
a new edition of her poetry book
written during her diagnosis, treatment,
and survival of breast cancer is due
to be released soon

she has another poetry book coming
out about her year as the texas poet
in it she will have a poem for my wife
she and i

thanks for the support and comments from everyone
they make things easier

the organicgreen doctor


  1. I love reading your blogs every morning before I go off to work, and this morning I learned that alot of what we already do is green and learning more everyday! Also miss you and keep my hopes up that things are going well for you!(well alot of prayers in there too!) Maybee our garden will be better this year! I hope so!

  2. we do a lot of the "green " thing you suggest too. several of our gutters run underground to a small "pond" we made out of an old horse trough. I use that water for my flowers in that part of the yard. And we barley have any trash between recycling, compost and 3 dogs. But my summer nemesis are slugs and snails. Every year I try different mixtures and products to keep them off my flowers, then i end up looking like a crazy person out in my pajamas picking them off the flowers at dawn and dropping them into a jar of salt. By July, I either give up and buy some really bad poison (which I am afraid the dogs will get into) or I just say, "bon apetit".

  3. Dr. Nash,

    You are greatly missed. I appreciate you taking care of our family for 9 years. The time has really gone by so quickly. Our family adore you and we has grown and benefited from your care and concern over the years.

    Our family is praying for you daily. We are also praying for your dear wife and boys. I know this is a tough time and I cant even begin to say, I understand why these things happen..... especially to good people. I hope you hold onto your faith and that you will find comfort in knowing others love and pray for you and yours.

    Many prayers and much blessings,
    The Rutherford's

  4. c
    thanks for reading the blog

    am impressed
    for slugs can use an organic product called
    sluggo it is nontoxic to animals and kids
    google it
    also can use beer they are alcoholics and love to drink it but they drown
    also try de(diatemaceous earth-not the kind that
    you use for swimming pools) and real hot crushed pepper mixed together around your plants
    good luck

    ms r
    enjoyed seeing your family
    sr needs to follow recommendations
    respect you two for what you do
    tell boys hi

  5. Dr. Nash,

    My mom (Donna Lujan) just told me about you leaving your practice and your diagnosis. I hate, hate, hate to hear that (all of it).

    I am so thankful for the time my family and I have spent as some of your many patients. You truly redefined the term "family doctor". At times, you were more "family" than you were "doctor". (Seriously, none of my other doctors ever watched me dance at a football game!!!) Thank you for taking such good care of us all these years.

    God bless you now and always!!!


    Rachel (Lobley) Smith

  6. rls
    thanks for the comments
    will miss your family
    you danced well too

  7. We live in a rental and the water takes so long to get warm. With this cold weather, there's no way we're taking cold showers. Do any of you have tips on containing the wasted water? It's hard to get any type of bottles in the bathroom sinks. Thanks and I appreciate the help.
