Friday, January 14, 2011

watching kids grow up, what dads eat affects kids

my wife she and i love sports
our boys they  played multiple sports
so we have spent hours in gyms, football fields, soccer fields,
baseball fields and swimming pools

along the way though we have watched several kids grow up
from the 8 year old leagues and now to high school and college

my wife she and i enjoy watching them grow and develop as an
athlete and person
i also coached basketball from the 8 year old league up to the
summer high school leagues so have had the opportunity to
follow quite a few of those players over the years

this week we watched a girl play basketball for one of the
area colleges     she is a senior now      she has developed into
the starting point guard for this team      she runs the team and
makes the difference usually if they win or loose

my wife she and i remember watching her play in the 8 year old
league at a local youth club
she could outplay the boys as her older brother played against
her all the time at home and in the gym (coaches kids)
(he was mvp of the state tourney a few years ago)

then she moved on to middle school and then to high school
she played mutliple sports and was the best in all of them
she was all state is several sports in her career
she also was an honor student

now she is finishing her college career and will enter that honorable
am sure she will be the best at what she does when she teaches

she is the example of what sports is suppose to do for student athletes
not what we usually see on television
it makes them  a better person, maybe a leader, maybe better able to
get along with others and work together as a team  and maybe if
good enough to  provide a way to finance their education

she is one of several my wife she and i have followed over the years
and hopefully wont be the last


in recent news reports there is research that
shows eg that what diet the dad eats may
increase  the production of cholesterol in
their kids by passing the gene that increases
this production

this research was done in mice but it appears
from some retrospective studies on isolated
villages done in europe that it could  be true

if true a dad that eats a lousy diet high in fat
and cholesterol may pass on to his kids the
tenacity to overproduce cholesterol in the body

so dads your kids are affected by what you eat as are you

another reason to eat a heart healthy diet or an american heart
association diet or a mediterranean diet

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