Tuesday, February 8, 2011

crop failure picture, plant potatoes, dreams

here is the picture of my cole crops doing well this fall
this was the best crop ive had in a long time

here is the picture of my cole crops after they failed
they were attacked by aphids, white flies, and neglect

its important when gardening to make frequent visits
looking for problems such as diseases, insects, moisture levels
this is what happens if you dont

its tater time
a few taters planted now can yield a large harvest
in the early summer

i use the kiss method of planting taters
i buy small whole taters that are recommended for this area
these are texas la soda (red), pontiac (red), and kennebec(white)
your local nursery or feed store will usually have the correct ones
for your area

i dont slice mine but select out the small ones when i buy them
saves time and makes it simple

my soil and bed was prepared a few weeks ago with 4 inches
of compost and organic fertilizer(i use the lady bug brand)
this was mixed in well into the bed

the taters are planted 8-12 inches deep one foot apart in rows
1-2 feet apart
i take my hand and open the soil and just drop the whole tater in
then cover it up with soil      thats it

when it grows up through the soil abut 6 inches i will cover
the growth by bringing soil from the sides of the row but will leave
about1 inch of plant tip exposed
will do this again when the plant grows out
the total bed is covered with pine straw to provide a blanket in case
of a bad freeze
when  the tater plants have broken through and the weather looks
like it will freeze i cover the plants with row cover or sheet (if my
wife she is not looking and i can get by with it)
i usually will fertilize again once the plants are up good

then its just making sure they get watered correctly until harvest
time which is usually some time in early summer when the plants
start to die back

usually i cant keep my hands off them though so will dig some
early      these are called new potatoes
yum yum    sometimes will just eat them raw in the garden

we usually make enough to last for several months into the late winter

you can also plant these in five gallon buckets or barrels or whiskey
put in good dirt, dig a hole, and drop in the tater
youre done except for watering


these are side effects of taking aricept
usually these are good dreams
but have had an occasional disturbing dream
like my last two
am reading a book about the chicago worlds fair and in it
theres a serial killer
nuff said
if have more like this will stop the meds

but last night had a good one
the high school girls basketball playoffs were going on and
one of the local teams (top team in the state) was playing

the game had ended in a tie
they could not go on because the rims were all torn down
so it would be decided by a free throw shot with a deflated
basketball shot into the air
it had to land on the line under where
the basket was
if it landed on the line and did not move then the team that
did that won and got to go to the state tournament

well the players were not allowed to shoot the free throws
but instead had to select someone from the stands to shoot it

know who that was right----me

the player that chose me was the top player in the state
she was able to use her old beat up basketball (one of the
old leather ones that was all worn and pealing) that was
partially deflated

i stood on the line looked around at the kids and the fans
looked at the line and said no way

i found a principal in the stand (thanks becky) who took us next
door to a elementary gym to shoot the free throws then:

i woke up and did not find out what happened

hopefully i can finish this one at my noon time nap
to be continued i hope


  1. Agreed on potatoes... so good fresh out of the garden. Reminds me of my childhood. We had a half-acre garden. Always working in it but food was great.

    Hope you have a good day, Doc!


  2. Never have grown potatoes but I just might now--you make it sound pretty simple! Sunday I was out turning the soil in our garden and the chickens were right there with me, scrapping over the half dozen grub worms I uncovered and alternately pecking my shoelaces. Can't wait for spring :)

  3. wxman
    thanks same to you
    all veggies taste better right out of the garden

  4. wendy
    dont you just love those chickens
    the kids will love to dig up those potatoes
    especially if they got to drop them in and cover them up when they are planting
    secret is the soil
    good luck
    it is simple to do

  5. dear dr.nash.i was nine years old and i came down with strep throat.from there it went into rheumatic fever.i was treated with penicillin.i had a severe reaction to the penicillin and almost died.i was then put on sulfa drugs. then there was the long process of healing began.
    since then i suffer form some of the worst dreams than you can imagine.there are times that my wife has to hold me untill i am fully awake.
    this month i will turn 68 and i have learned to just used to them.
    for the last eleven plus years you have ben my doctor and what i want to say is please do not stop taking your med.
    ron. ferguson. aka rononthelawn

  6. rf
    most of my dreams i like
    dont plan on stopping meds
