Wednesday, May 18, 2011

shes ok im ok, gaga, chicken lecture, bb

shes ok im ok
my wife she feels fine
thanks for the concern
we have had a good laugh over our experience

we are technologically uptodate
there she was laying on an infusion table used by the neurology
she was there to be interviewed and to give me moral support
she had to be interviewed lying down in that infusion chair
bet that was a first for alzhiemers research

there i was trapped on an exam table after my spinal tap
i couldnt get up and walk down the hall to check on her
so i did what all the teenagers and you do
i pulled out my phone and we texted back and forth

she couldnt get up as she would pass out and i couldnt get
up because i had just had a spinal tap

nice couple we make huh

she ok im ok
im just sore where the tap was done is all

this says a lot about us in america
lady gaga has more twitter followers than anyone else
she beats out the president and justin bieber
others on the top five list are brittney spears, and
kim kardeshian

carol ann sayle from will be giving a
lecture on how to raise backyard chickens
she and her husband run an organic farm inside austin and raise
chickens for egg production also
she is a writer and  a witty lecturer
she will have the seminar at the naturalgardener in austin at 900 am
on sunday may 22, 2011

if you live around here and are interested its worth the trip there to
hear her speak and to see the natural gardeners place

well dirk went off on the thunder didnt he

tonight the heat need to win or they are in trouble

the organicgreen doctor


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I would love to here the lecture. My father is not well so I will have to go another time. I heard there is another one coming up soon. I look forward to it.

  3. We toured Boggy Creek Farm a few weeks ago. I want to live there! I love their chicken set up! I guess backyard chickens are getting more popular as I have two friends who recently started keeping a small flock. Chickens are just too much fun!
    Oh Lady Gaga--one letter away from GAG is all I have to say.
