Wednesday, October 12, 2011

the shoe rip, read this

my oldest son he had this pair of adidas sandals he wore after
soccer games when he was in junior high school
that was 20 years ago
he played year round soccer as well as football and swimming
during his days with these shoes
so they were worn a lot

they were then passed down to his younger brother who is
6 years younger
he played year round soccer as well as basketball, swimming,
track and football and again this shoe was again worn a lot

well my two sons outgrew those shoes and they were then passed
on to my wife she
she has worn them off and on for the last 10 years
we have several pictures of her in the shoes

even my nephew he of the rain water tank rock fame has been
been caught wearing them at times
he was a baby when they were originally bought

since we moved to the country n these shoes have taken on a
more abusive role here
my wife she is known to wear them to the chicken coop at
night to close up the chickens
this sometimes can be an abusive trip for those old shoes
they were many times marked by that trip and had to be
scrubbed well and aired out
but they always survived for more abuse by all of us

i even was known to slip them on and work in my organic
green garden
they would get covered with mulch, compost, organic fertilizer,
diatomaceous earth, and other organic substances but they
always survived and cleaned up well
and returned to more use (abuse)

i guess the last 4 inch rain was to much for the old shoes
i admit i did slip them on at 300 am when i went around to
look at all of my rain water tanks and gutters

my wife she went to put them on last night and alas the old
faithful shoes had had enough
here is what they looked like


may they rest in peace
what a journey
dont make them like this any more
will bury them next to larry the rooster

as many of you read this know that i take aricept (donnepezil)
as there is a good chance that i have alzheimers disease
it is used to slow the progression of the symptoms of the disease
but it does have side effects which are bothersome
thanks to a facebook friend this is a posting of one of its side effects

maybe you can read what it says

the organicgreen doctor

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