Monday, October 17, 2011

walk(s), fb

well my wife she and i did two walks on saturday
the first was the walk to end alzheimers in austin
we did this one with my younger son he
here is a picture of our group
the team

we had a successful walk
we had over 40 members walking
make that 43 if you count the babies that will be born
and 44 if you count stanley the dog
the youngest were a set of twins about 2 months old and
the oldest was well i better not tell who that was

we raised more than any other individual team
we had one of the larger individual teams
we had one of the largest amounts raised by an individual
we had a good time

the team was made up of my wife shes friends, my friends,
my former patients, my fellow former now employees, and
former fellow doctor, and of course stanley the dog of the
run afer the deer fame when he came to visit us at the
country n which took a few hours to locate him
he had a good time then and a good time saturday

we hope to have this and more success next year

my wife she and i have decided to have the alzheimers association
as our charity that we will support
it is a disease that affects everyone eventually

i wish to thank all of you for your financial support and for you
support of the fight against this devastating disease

here is what i think is the best picture from the walk
its bg and i
there is hope for the future

on saturday my wife she and i then went to another walk
the walk to end financial ruin for the 99% who cant get
mortgages, who are underwater on their mortgages, who are
deep in student loan debt, who cant get loans for their small
businesses, who pay a disproportionate percentage of taxes
(even warren buffet recognizes this) and who see a dim picture
for themselves and their kids

im not really personally affected by this much as i make a six figure
salary, have hardly any debt, have no credit card debt, have a
mortgage thats almost paid off (am sure mine got bundled up in
all this mess), have plenty of money saved to last my wife she and i
for our life time, paid off my student debt from college and medical
school a long time ago, and have moved all my money to the
credit union (did this before all this occupy thing started)

we wanted to see what the group was like and also because our
kids, their future kids, your kids and their future kids, my nephews
and nieces and their kids are going to feel the brunt of what is
wrong here

so we walked earlier to end a devastating disease
now we walked to end a devastating problem we have today
in america that may destroy the middle class

we looked around
yes there were some fringy looking people
well they looked like a lot like the high school kids and college kids
and there were a lot of middle class families there with the mothers
and fathers and their kids and there were a lot of grandparents there
and a lot of professional people were there

everyone was peaceful
the austin police were especially good
maybe new york should borrow some of these guys

i dont think this movement is going to go away
it needs to be steered so that it can make those changes
that everyone who reads this blog can benefit from

dont think this is a black or white or brown issue
or a conservative or liberal issue
or a democratic or republican issue
or a young or old issue
but an issue that affects us all

interesting is that some of the issues being raised or also
some of the issues raised by the tea party movement

it is troublesome that 30 large banks are now just 5 megabanks
who were bailed out even though they were involved in bundling
all those derivatives that got us into this mess
yes some of them paid back that bail out money but the huge
profits they make are not reaching us in any way

hopefully this movement will influence or scare congress into
doing something about our problems and
stop the gridlock thats going on

the walks to end will continue

dang those cowboys should have won
dang those horns should have won

the organicgreen doctor


  1. I must have been close to being the oldest walker?

  2. aw
    now there were a lot of older people than us
