Wednesday, January 25, 2012

flexes, more taxes, rain

have continued the campaign to beat the flexes
those flex accounts that will try their best to keep your money
its your money not theirs
but they dont act that way sometimes

flexes 0
ogd (thats me) 4

i win

i have had several battles with my flex account this year
but after a lot of effort and documentation i finally won
total winnings were $1800
it was my money not theirs but they tried their best to keep it
im glad im retired or i wouldnt have the time to fight this battle

one person i helped had over $3600 dollars they had tied up
in disputed claims
try to talk to a knowledgeable person on the phone
they dont exists
there is not someone who you can talk to that will help you

sir we need the documentation in order to pay

through a lot of effort by this person and myself we finally got
the documentation we needed and found a lot of less known
deductions you could take but we finally got things where
she will not loose all her money

and we were not even talking to someone from india or pakistan

those flexes
we have decided here at the country n that theyre not worth the
   it takes to get your money back
no flexes here next year
ex the flex

15% its hard to believe someone making that much money only pays
thats enough to not elect mitt

newt at least paid his share at 31+%
now thats a little better
its a more presidential number
but am concerned where all his money comes from

obama paid 26% on $1.7 million
now thats presidential also

then ron paul
he hasnt released his numbers yet as
he made so little money last year hes embarrassed to release his returns
at least hes honest-wished the other politicians could be like him
bet he paid more % than mitt

the problem with rain in central texas is that we either dont get any rain
or we get it in bunches all at once
like tonight
cant wait to see how much rain we have and are getting

i am still only 50% full on all my tanks so i want all the rain i
can capture for my rainwater system
before each rain i adjust my system to maximize my rain collection
all roofs collect rainwater-garage, well house, bbq area, barn, and
even my arbour and of course my house
i also put out all my 5 gallon buckets
and do i have a collection ive accumulated over the years

this collecting rain water takes a lot of effort
but its always worth it when you take a shower or
wash your hair or wash your clothes or take a nice
cold drink of pure water out of the tap

yep its worth it

the organicgreen doctor

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