Monday, March 19, 2012

busted, habitat, thanks

no i didnt get arrested
my brackets for the march madness got all busted up on
the first day
dang duke and mizzu
you really screwed up my brackets

then that guy who plays for syracuse got removed off the team
really screwed me up
i had picked them for winning it all

is it ok to pick a new winner

my sweet 16 is a sour 16
i picked correctly 9 of the 16
thanks to ky, indiana, baylor, michigan state, louisville, syracuse
ohio state, north carolina, and kansas for helping my brackets out

ohio how did they get in there
oops they have to play north carolina

my final four picks were duke michigan state syracuse and kansas
maybe ill get one right

i am still working on the habitat house
the future home owner is excited
its really looks like a house now
at least from the outside
inside we still have to finish the floors
do the final painting inside
the cabinets are almost all in place

estimated move in is about 1 month
my wife she and i will put in her keyhole square foot garden soon
will post pictures of it when its done as well as post
a picture of the house

you should consider volunteering at your local habitat where
you live
the ones who seem to really benefit a lot are the high school
kids and college kids who work there

sure makes me feel good about the future of our country
when i work with these kids
i know some of these will be leaders wherever they end up

thanks for the response to last weeks blogs
i actually took the week off from blogging
and posted my most popular blogs from the last two years

the blogs were hard for me to read as i realized how i was
blindsided by all what happened and how much it really affected
me and how much it still affects me when i read about it

although im sad all this has happened im not sorry it happened the
way it did as i probably would be drifting along in life not knowing
until something happened that would be tragic for someone else
and for myself

the future is being planned and my wife she and i will be as
ready as we can be
it will be harder on her as i probably wont know whats going on
just what things to be ready for her
help her out when the time comes

the organicgreen doctor

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