Friday, August 31, 2012

may not work

Walk to End Alzheimers
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ive written before about the new alzheimers vaccines
that are in phase 3 studies
a lot of hope was being placed on these studies

the theory is that these anitbodies are injected into the
body and then bind to beta amyloid
this beta amyloid which is thought to be the end result
of the disease process in alzheimers disesase is then removed
from the brain
the hope is that by doing this there is improvement
in cognitive abilities

two of these drugs are called solanezumab and bapinineuzemab
the studies were large studies done on patients with mild
to moderate alzheimers

the results were not promising
overall there was some slowing of cognitive decline
but not significantly
however when the mild alzheimers group was looked at
their was more improvement in cognitive decline than in
the moderate group

the thought is that maybe the drug should be used in people
who dont have symptoms yet or people like me who are in
the early mild mild cognitive impairment group might have
more improvement if started on these drugs early

much like the cholesterol drugs such as lipitor and crestor etc
that are given early so that heart attacks and strokes can be
prevented later in life

the iv immunoglobulin study that was recently done showed
in those who received the larger dose of this stuff
had no change in their alzheimers disease over the three
years of the study
so there is something in the blood that will slow down or
stop this disease but what it is is not known yet

this will be continued soon i hope

have a good labor day weekend

the organicgreen doctor

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