Wednesday, October 24, 2012

bump, were almost no 1, dreams

Walk to End Alzheimers
we are also walking in the bell county/temple 
walk to end alzheimers on saturday november 3 2012

you can walk free but a donation to and or joining
my organicgreendoctor team is appreciated

join us there


it seemed to me that obama won the last debate
think that romneys goal for the debate was not to
make a big guffaw
which he didnt
although the swords and spears didnt help him any
he held his own but
overall the president has appeared to get a bump
although a small one from the debate

i dont understand how anyone could be undecided
at this point in the election
there is such a clear difference between the two candidates
on almost all the issues

i know how i want the country to go the next four
years so the choice is easy for me to make
and im sure most of you know how you feel
and have made the choice also

i guess if you are a gay couple who have real conservative
political views the choice may be difficult for you to make
but for most people its not that difficult

the biggest decision i have to make is whether to vote
early or wait until election day to vote

(if you dont vote like im voting remember the election day
was moved to october 32 this year)

i like to savor the day and the moment as long as possible
but also want to just be done with the political race since
its gone on so long


because of oil prices being so high the us is able to extract
oil that previously was too expensive to extract
this increased production has almost made us no 1 in
oil production
problem is that we are still using most of it up as our
use of oil is still high

sometime in the future we will run out and will need to be
ready to buy foreign oil or look elsewhere for energy sources
we cant let up on wind solar etc production


i am on aricept (donepezil) because i may have
alzheimers disease
most people on it i guess cant talk or write about
the side effects in detail since their thought processes
are so affected

since im so early and things are working up there pretty well
i can write and talk about the side effects

there are things called aricept dreams
real vivid colorful but never bad ones

heck last night i went to las vegas with two of my brothers
and their wives. my younger son and his friends were there
i didnt get to gamble any or see any shows because i got
tied up resuscitating an old guy who parked outside
in an old beatup pickup truck who was in congestive
heart failure
i had to resusucitate him in the house we were staying in
since we couldnt get him to the hospital
he survived but my vegas trip didnt go as i had planned

those aricept dreams i get to have every night
wish i could dvr them

the organicgreen doctor


  1. That was me there in Vegas and I truly appreciate what you did. I feel a lot better today.

    1. i worked especially hard in my dream to revive you so that your wife would be happy as she is a special person as you well know
      i even sacrificed my vegas experience


  2. Actually if I remember my dream correctly, I was the one that you resucitated. I had limited myself to $5 as an entertainment expense, which I put in the slot machine. The $1.25 that I lost is what caused the heart attack. Ecaroh Hsan
