Monday, December 10, 2012

johnnys the guy, hog man, freeze, meals


well all those aggies are sure happy after this week
they and i thought this would be a bad year in the sec
he fooled them didnt he
and fooled us

johnny football
johnny heisman
johnny manziel
watched him accept the heisman trophy on saturday night
he along with the other two guys seemed to all three
be classy guys
not what you expect from college football players sometimes

makes you have some hope for the future for that generation
with kids like that representing them


new football coach bret beilema seems to be the right guy
for this program
heck its a sign
his destiny
since he grew up on a hog farm  and use to have to call
the hogs every day
just seems the right fix
destiny if you will

hell bring a new no nonsense attitude to this team and some
stability they need

he plays smash mouth football and good defense
lets see who else does that
oh yeah bama

its going to freeze tonight
here at the country n it may be in the low 20s
what a shocker for us and those plants and my garden
it was in the 80s and shorts weather yesterday
now its going to be tundra weather for a day or two

be sure and protect your plants
cover them with blankets or row cover
water them all well today
check your pipes and water lines to make sure they are all
here at the country n we will be dripping our faucets tonight to
keep the lines from freezing
getting that wood burning stove fired up to keep our place warm

dont forget your pets if they stay outside
they need extra protection from the cold


one day a week i deliver meals on wheels to people
near where i live
there are only 7 people on the route but they are scattered
over a 20+ mile route
it takes about 1 1/2 hour to deliver the meals to these needy folks
i enjoy it
some of the folks only see one person that day and thats me so
i try to spend a few seconds with them when i deliver the meals

they are in great need of people to deliver this route
other routes are ran by regular volunteers
some from church groups some from home school groups
some who like me just want to volunteer and some moms and
their preschool kids
im sure the older folks enjoy seeing the kids
some deliver once a month some twice a month
and some like me once a week

if you have a group like this or if you are an individual and would
like to help
to run this route that runs from north leander to north of liberty hill
please call
denise at the williamson county meals on wheels program in leander
at 512-259-0288

they need our help

the organicgreen doctor

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