Thursday, August 1, 2013

will it be here to stay


well i sure hope so 
it looks like the affordable care act will save me personally
between $5000-6000 a year in premiums
as the new premiums on being added to my wife shes policy 
just for me will be over $12000
most americans are not affected much by all of this except for the 
rules that protect them as below

my solution is to go to the exchanges and get my policy there
at this lower cost but it appears the coverage since i will 
buy the best policy offered will be even better also
and more than likely i will be covered by the same
insurance company as my wife she

this information below is from a nonprofit
and from minyanville media, inc

its here to stay
the supreme court wont overturn it 
no bill will get past president obama for his signature to get rid of it
the democratic congress is not going to get rid of it
once entrenched and especially of the american people like it 
its not going away

parts are already here
kids can be covered on parents policy until they are 26 years old
theres no lifetime limit on coverage
preventable care has to be covered physicals colonoscopy paps 
mammograms immunizations etc

insurance premium rebates if the insurance company profits are 
greater than 15%
some patients have already got these rebates

you have better appeal options if coverage for care is denied

there are fines that get larger over time if you dont have coverage

companies with fewer than 50 employees arent required to buy 
many companies plan on giving their employees subsidies to buy 
insurance and if the employees wages are low there will be 
subsidies to lower the premiums

you can keep your present coverage
my wife she will keep her present coverage since it will only 
cost her $1200 a year but it will not be as good as the one 
i get on the insurance exchange
there will be new taxes
if you tan at a tanning salon you will be taxed 10%
there are taxes if you get one of those special plans that
some executives get
charitable hospitals who dont give enough charitable care will 
get a $50,000 fine
there are a total of 19 new taxes or penalties or fees

then the large pool of young healthy folks will need to sign up for
this insurance and not opt out by paying the fines
this helps to reduce the overall cost of the high risk pool

my younger son who is in this pool of young healthy folks will be
buying his new insurance on the california exchange and will be
getting a better policy and at a lower cost

i think this affordable care act plan is here to stay if its successful 
these first few years
and we as americans most of us will be glad that it its
we are already benefiting from its rules
and i personally before this act would never ever be able to 
buy an insurance policy because of my diagnosis

so thank goodness its here to stay 

the organicgreen doctor


  1. Thanks for your explanation--made more sense than anything else I've read including AARP magazine!! I'm old and on Medicare so really does not affect me but sure did my 24 year old grand daughter since she had to have gall bladder surg Mon. And she was covered under her Dads policy!! She got a job teaching but not covered by that yet!! Hope your back better--thanks for writing--Sarah

  2. Thanks for your explanation--made more sense than anything else I've read including AARP journal. I am old and on Medicare so does not affect me but sure did my 24 year old grand daughter when she had to have gall bladder surg Mon. She was still on her Dads insurance --she has got a teaching job but not covered yet. Hope your back better--thanks for writing--Sarah

    1. actually medicare was affected by the new law eg a lot of the preventative things are required to be covered by medicare. memory screening has to be done on medicare patients. there are more
      i think we are all affected by the new law some more than others. despite the naysayers i think its a good one. togd
