Wednesday, June 4, 2014

green thumb

my thumb seems to be getting greener every year
this year it may be as green as ever
with occasionally episodes of browning here and there

now my wife she
her thumb is brown
the only way it gets green if she paints a wall green
uses green nail polish

i once bought her a tree
one that she could care for herself
water the heck out of it and drown it
starve it to death
let it die of thirst

it was a plastic ficus i bought at gardenridge
it survived for years under her care
until we gave it away after a move

here are the results of some of my green thumbness

i recently pulled all 200+ of my white 1015 onions
softball size some of those guys are

i put them in my wheel barrow and spread them out in
my garage for a few days

my wife she makes these onion chimes with them

next i dug up these red potatoes
we have been eating out of the ground new potatoes
for weeks

this year when i dug them i got 1+ 5 gallon buckets
and spread them out in our garage
later we will store them in plastic garden trays
until we need them for eating

here is some of my garden p
i cant type the word that starts with a p since my blog
will get overrun with p hits

tatume squash which is resistant mostly to the squash borer
tomatoes which are starting to produce
we have tons of green tomatoes
bell peppers
banana peppers
one carrot left over found in the garden
soon poblano peppers
lots of jalapenos
squash about to burst on the scene
our green beans first batch will be picked today

then we were afraid we wouldnt have any peaches
as we had a late freeze
but it looks like we will get about 3/4 of a 5 gallon bucket
this year compared to the 3 buckets on a good year

hey these things are sink peaches they are so good
if you dont know what a sink peach is then google it
yes thats a tomato in the middle

to get a green thumb
you have to
have good soil
use compost
preferably be all organic
put your shadow in the garden frequently
put love into your garden

several years ago i planted an agave that had gotten close
to 6 feet tall
then the other day i looked and it had shot up to about 15 feet

then in a few days it had shot up higher and began to branch
it should get much taller and have larger branches
pictures to follow

the sad thing is that this is the death of the plant
it leaves behind this beautiful stalk for everyone to view for months
hopefully it mimics our life
as we leave our legacy

the organicgreen doctor

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