Thursday, July 26, 2018

sb country n news-green squash

i call this my texas zucchini squash
since its so big

in texas i would plant my zucchini squash every april
knowing that i would only get one crop of those green veggies
before that moth laid its eggs
that worm sucked all the life out of the plant
the beautiful green squash plant turned to a wilted brown one in a matter of hours

in fact in texas i quit planting zucchini squash
since the worm always won
i did use a squash from mexico called tatume squash
it appeared to be somewhat resistant to the squash worm borer

as i talked to gardeners
they said we dont have that problem here
i planted my zucchini squash
a few weeks ago
it has produced a ton of squash and shows no sign of slowing down

my bed that one plant is planted in is 3 ft x 8 ft
it occupies the whole bed and more

as the plant has gotten bigger it has been harder and harder to spot all the squash
which produces monster ones like the one above
yesterday i came home with two more that were even bigger

my wife she makes zucchini bread zucchini soup zucchini salads zucchini sandwiches
ive been know to eat on one while im working in the garden as a midday snack

i recently found this tatume squash at the nursery
i  planted it and will allow it to grow up the bamboo pole
so it doesnt take up too much space in the garden
since im sure that that regular zucchini will one day quit producing
i like to pick the tatume at this size which is about a large orange size
it looks and taste like zucchini

if you leave it on the vine it gets larger and develops a harder outer shell
much like a winter squash
you can store it like a winter squash and eat it later

we like to just treat it like a zucchini eating them as they grow

they are good if you have limited space since they can be grown on a trellis

in the gardens we planted these pumpkins and gourds and winter squash
close to a 100 of them
they will be used for a fall harvest educational class for elementary kids
will be sold for fundraising for the garden

this garden gets beautiful with all those pumpkins and squash and gourds
along with the beautiful red amaranth and sunflowers and oats and corn

unlike in central texas a lot will grow here this time of the year
not having that oppressive heat helps

the organicgreen doctor

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