Friday, August 10, 2018

alzheimers news-a week of reflection

Image result for organicgreendoctor
this has been a long week of reflections

on tuesday august 7th was my parents anniversary
he was a minister
she was a nurse
he i think had alzheimers disease when he died although not officially diagnosed but as i gain more knowledge about this disease i realized that was probably what he had
she my mom we know she had alzheimers disease since we her kids lived with it for several years
some having to provide more care than others
it was hard on them since they were there day by day
hard on those of us too far to provide that much needed daily relief that caregivers need
so the reflection about my parents lives filled my thoughts this week

then on that same day our new grandson mr h we will call him was born
early he was
so he is still in nicu here in the los angeles area
we will be happy when he goes home

i also reflected on my blog since that day is my 8 year anniversary of my blog having reached 775,000 readers over that time period in my almost 1900+ blogs that ive written
i wish two things that i hope my blog has done

make folks smile and chuckle to start their day
to educate and inform folks about alzheimers disease

if that happens with my blog then i am satisfied

i did a lot of reflection this week as i received my next to last infusion in this part of the biogen aducanumab hope it makes a difference alzheimers research study at ucla
yep a lot of reflection
thinking how lucky i am to be in this study if its one that will truly make a difference for myself and for others

next month this trajectory im on i think will get a bump as the study ends and i start that second phase called the long term extension which i found out yesterday for me might get extended even beyond the 18 months it was planned
by that time we will know if this drug works and if it will probably be on the market for you and others to use

i realize that for me
this is it
there is not another chance at really doing something to make a difference in this disease
im hoping i made the right decision

yesterday as i was sitting with ms b and about to be headed to see her brother mr h and then go off to ucla
she said
could you get a purple bandaid on your owie this time

i smiled
yes sweetie i will
i did
as you can see in the above picture

made me feel better just that little statement she made

the organicgreen doctor

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