Tuesday, October 8, 2019

my version of meditation

this is ms b watering my garden
i let her enjoy my happy place whenever she wants to come visit
she looks happy and content doesnt she

there is this big ole pepper tree that has to be over a hundred years old at the back of our community garden
i love to wander down there and sit under the tree on the benches there
look back to the mountains
listen real close to the sounds
bees zooming back and forth to the beehives
birds atwirping everywhere
the distant sound of kids playing in the distant school playground
if i sit there on a sunday morning when its real quiet
i reach this meditative state

ms b loves this pepper  tree
mr h also loves this tree
i call it the meditating tree
folks in the neighborhood wander over and have been known to sit there and have a picnic

we started 4 weeks of school children touring through the garden in groups of 50
they all get to sit under the ole pepper tree
the pepper tree session which lasts 30 minutes starts with the kids laying on their backs
looking up at the swaying feathery leaves
hearing the bees
they are always quiet and in a meditative state for a few minutes

yes the ole meditative pepper tree

if i really want to meditate
i go sit down under the tree for a few minutes
taking it all in
afterwards i feel calm and relaxed
if i go into my garden area and start to work in my garden
weeding planting harvesting snacking on produce
stopping occasionally to soak it all in
talking and or singing to myself sometimes
looking back towards the beautiful mountains
if its early enough there will be wispy clouds along the mountains
if the lighting is just right
the mountains get this almost pink glow to it

if i want to meditate
i dont do it at home or go to a yoga class
i sit under the pepper tree
i go to my garden
my happy place
when i am finished i feel like i am in this meditative relaxed feel good state
that i must say is almost addictive

the organicgreen doctor

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