Thursday, October 24, 2019

santa barbara country n news-T tomato

these delicious looking red tomatoes were grown by a relative we will call T
i have popped at lot of these in my mouth and eaten them by themselves
no salt or other additions were needed

now the name of this what i call T tomato is not known
well after T moved into her new house this tomato just grew up along this new wall
it actually flows over the wall down to the ground on the other side
it has now been there for two years
just like the old timex watch
it just keeps ticking and ticking and ticking
producing a lot of tomatoes

these T tomatoes are bigger than a cherry tomato but smaller than say an early girl or celebrity
there is a dripper system to the bed so it gets just the right amount of water
it also seems to be just in the right microclimate

what is interesting is that the T tomato is growing in a location that gets too much fog during the year for tomatoes to be growing this well
i must add that the T tomatos owner has grown other tomatoes abundantly
i looked at her thumb and its not a real green one
maybe a brown green one
but its not a brown one like my wife shes thumb

ive decided its the consistent water
the right light and probably heat from the wall
its genetics were just made for this location

i have been admiring this T tomato for two years now
i picked one that was real ripe

i googled how to save seeds from a tomato
i found this video below and followed his directions
first i sliced open the tomato
scraped out the seeds
all into a small jar
covered the seeds with water
covered the top of the jar with a paper towel rubberbanded in place
i went by once a day and shook it
the fermentation that happens helps to kill off any viruses and bacteria present
if you keep a lid on the jar apparently it can explode

after a week of this
i poured off the liquid leaving just the seeds
i poured this through a screen
rinsing off the seeds as you go
whats left is a bunch of seeds
i placed them on a paper towel to dry
i placed them on a plate for 3 weeks to dry completely
i will place them in an envelope to save for winter planting

i plan to plant several of these to grow in the greenhouse
plant 1 or 2 in my garden and donate the others

my label says
T tomato source ie what kind unknown

this tomato popped up in my garden as a volunteer
it i think is some version of juliette
but im not sure
it was the most productive of all my tomatoes this year
i have saved seeds of this unknown volunteer tomato
i will name unvol tomato

i have set aside in my garden planning for my spring crop two sites
one for the T tomato
one for the unvol tomato

am i ever looking forward to next years tomato crop

the organicgreen doctor

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