Wednesday, February 26, 2020

my story revisited 38-this is why

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i chose the alzheimers association as one of the volunteer groups i would be involved with as a volunteer speaking and helping out at events
we also chose it for fundraising on our part and for one of the organizations we donate to

since this was written we have added alzheimers texas and alzheimers greateer los angeles to the list
we have done speaking presentations done fundraising and helped out at their revents

all of these have the same purpose education about this disease and support systems and finding a cure

now the alzheimers assocaiton is the national organization that has been the group that has really gotten us to where we are now

i support the national group but like the local organizations since they focus on their local areas and their fundraising goes right back into the local area

i wrote the following blog below called why to explain why i support the alzheimers organizaitons
my mother had died a few years before in the final stages of the disease
my father had died before she did he with a heart attack but he obviously had early alzheimers signs

when i wrote this blog i didnt have my younger brothers familys permission to write about him
now i do
it was a couple years after i wrote this that he died also in the final stages of the disease

you have seen me write about my older brother having early disease some
he had problems with memory early on but later like me has gotten better
some of his problems were from his health and some of his medications he was on
once those were corrected or some meds were stopped he got better and has remained so
i have had access per his request to his medical records scans and labs
as of today he says he doesnt have alzheimers disease and doesnt take any meds for it
thats why i have removed him from my discussions
i sure hope he is right
its a disease i dont want any of my siblings to ever have

one thing i mention in the blog 9 years ago was that
100% of you will be affected by alzheimers disease

support the alzheimers organizations
help out caregivers
bug you congresspersons about funding more research
visit your friends and your relatives and their families when they get affected
its a lonely lonely disease

this is why i have made the support of the walk to end alzhiemers
an issue in this blog
it is to help me and probably to help you
i have it and you will be affected by this disease sometime in
your future if not already

my mother was a nurse and many of you who read this had her
as your nurse in the hospital or had her help you with something
medical at your home
you know that she was a special nurse and a special person
she suffered with this terrible disease and reached the final stages
of the disease when she died

my father was a minister and many of you sat in his churches and
listened to his preaching
looking back although not officially diagnosed and looking at the
symptoms he was having i realize now that he had alzheimers and
was in the middle stages when he died of a heart attack
he was spared those final stages

my close relative younger than me has had alzheimers disease
now for about 5 years
many of you have seen that person slowly develop the disease
such that he is now in the middle stages of the disease

i was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment amnestic type
thought probably to be from alzheimers disease
i am lucky as my symptoms are minimal right now and no one
really notices i have a problem even my wife she friends or family

i am able to be an advocate for the alzheimers movement while
im able to do so in a productive way without being limited by my

ive have chosen the alzheimers association to be the charity i
support because it is for a cause that has affected me personally
and my family members and will eventually affect you also
its almost a 100% chance youll be affected
probably no other disease can be said to affect so many people

the walk to end alzheimers is a big fund raiser for the alzheimers
association each year

they have been the big support for caregivers, sources of
information on the disease, advocates for research and
for legislation to help fight the disease 

we need your support
look for and get involved with the alzheimers walks which are their big fundraising events

the organicgreen doctor

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