Thursday, March 12, 2020

school garden-if they plant it they will eat it

in the school garden where i volunteer each week the kids start the year with a tomato thats actively growing
i try to plant a sweet 100 tomato or sungold tomato in the late spring and keep it growing over the summer so that as the school season starts they can harvest and snack on tomatoes from the garden

they plant the things like what you see in the picture above in the garden
when its ready to harvest
we have a harvest day and eat it usually that day

today we will harvest their mixed lettuce mix from the garden and will take the leaves to make a lettuce taco out of the leaf
into the lettuce taco they will put eg today sweet peas harvested from the garden and a few piece of green onion thats growing in the garden and some celery that i brought with me today

they will eat celery and green onions in these lettuce tacos
most will go back for 2nd and 3rd helpings

also growing in the garden are some carrots that they planted in the fall
that harvest will be coming up after spring break
they pull them out of the ground
hold them by the green stalk and wash them real good then munch away like a bunch of rabbits

ms b will get to be one of these kindergardeners next year
im excited as is she

there is a crop of romaine lettuce we planted a few weeks ago that will serve as our next round of lettuce tacos after spring break

also in the garden are swiss chard and curly leaf kale and dinosaur kale and red kale that the teacher will harvest and make smoothies with these nutrient rich veggies

they all drink the smoothies and want more

in the garden they grow herbs like mint and oregano and thyme and rosemary and lavender

they grow flowers some that are edible like the nasturtium and the calendula and the borage flowers

they also collect close to 300 gallons of rainwater
yes if you ask these 5 year olds how to tell how much water is in the tanks they will be able to tell you at least 3 if not more ways to measure it

they compost in a larger black composter
they also do worm composting
using the worm juice from the worm composter to fertilize the plants with

if they plant it they will eat it

the organicgreen doctor

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