Wednesday, September 29, 2021

my story #105-will stoking slow it down


willie is now 8 years older since i wrote this blog
when i listen to him being interviewed he seems as sharp as ever
maybe there is some truth to something in marijuana slowing down alzheimers disease

willie is a clinical trial of one to see if it works

there are two components to marijuana
thc (tetrahydrocannabinol)
cbd (cannabidiol)

thc makes you high
cbd doesnt and it has antiinflammatory effects

cbd is the one thats usually approved for medical use in states who allow it just for medical use
it is approved in many states to be used to control previously uncontrollable seizures in kids

the study of thc and cbd has been greatly hindered by laws from the federal government

studies that have been done on cbd seems to imply it may have an influence on slowing down the disease

in the theory of alzheimers 
first amyloid accumulates
second tau tangles occur
third inflammation occurs

all three kill brain cells

it appears that cbd has anti-inflammatory effects that may slow down the inflammation in the brain that is occurring in alzheimers disease

there are ongoing research studies ongoing now to see if it works

i accessed the protocols for one study to get the dose of cbd they were using
i started taking that dose every day 
i started developing these weirder than normal dreams 
some were violent and disturbing 
i had to discontinue the cbd

i think it was interacting with the aricept (donepezil) that i take for alzheimers

that willie
hes being doing a life long one man study on its effect
maybe he will donate his brain when he dies so researchers can look at it
in the theory of how alzheimers disease develops in the brain
beta amyloid accumulates in the brain and this accumulation
and its residual damage it causes is the cause of this disease

the brain has a blood brain barrier that protects the brain
eg certain drugs and chemicals and hormones cant get through
this barrier to affect the brain

it also works against the brain sometimes
as this beta amyloid accumulates it cant be transported back through
this blood brain barrier so the body can dispose of it
so it just starts accumulating
then alzheimers disease develops

now this is where willie nelson comes in
you notice how old he looks
well he is old hes 80
and he seems sharp to me when he is interviewed
maybe a little laid back

but he is known for smoking the weed on a regular basis
real regular basis
and this may be protecting him from the devastating disease
alzheimers disease

it seems that marijuana may help the body clear this bad beta
amyloid from the brain by helping transport this beta amyloid
back across the blood brain barrier allowing this disposal of
this beta amyloid
thus it may delay the onset of the disease
and possibly actually prevent the disease

of course
these studies right now are all animal studies
excuse me how easy would it be to study humans
theres plenty of weed around
theres im sure plenty of volunteers
heck i would be first in line if it turned out to help

so i think i might just find me some special chocolate bars to eat
for dessert twice a day
and do my own one man study

or like willie says just roll me up and smoke me when i die
if the cbd hadnt interfered with my dreams
i would probably still be taking it

thanks willie
for advancing science

the organicgreen doctor 

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