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Tuesday, January 28, 2025
organicgreendoctor: one of a kind
one of a kind
this is a picture of the infamous larrry the rooster
here is a link to a blog i wrote about him and my wife shes love hate relationship in 2010 about 3 months before i got my diagnosis made.
larry was given to us as a baby chick along with 5 other baby chicks for my sixtieth birthday
each chick represented 10 years
each chick was a hen so they said when they gave them to me
as it turned out 3 of the 6 began to cock a doodle do early in the morning
we gave two away and were left with 3 hens and one rooster we named larry
we named him larry after the seinfeld rooster larry but it was really named jerry but we left him with the larry name since he looked like a larry
larry was an outsider
we already had this large beautiful docile rooster who took could care of his flock of hens in exchange for his servicing them
lets just say our eggs had red dots in their eggs
so larrry kept around the edges of the flock and stayed away from the big ole rooster
we had two small dogs that were scared of little ole larry
he would attack them and even mounted one once to her chagrin
he did not like my wife she
they had a love hate relationship
maybe not a love one
he would attack my wife she every time she got close to him
she had an old broken rake she used to protect herself from the larry attacks to keep him pushed away
this lasted for several years
finally larry decided he would take over the flock
i guess whenever his testosterone got high enough as he aged
he and the giant rooster had a knock down fight one day
larry won
after that day he took over the flock and the other tall beautiful rooster was left to live at the edges of the flock
totally displaced by larry
so larry ruled the coop and the surrounding area for months or it seemed like years
even when we got two new bigger dogs
well they left larry alone as did everyone else
once a friend brought over her young 5 year old grandson who was enjoying the chickens
larry didnt like him being around so he chased him all over the yard screaming as he ran
the grandson not larry was screaming
that child i guess wasnt too traumatized since he now works in the chicken husbandry industry doing chicken research
maybe larry sparked his interest
we even once had a high school student come out and take pictures of our country n
she also did some drawings
one she did was of larry standing on top of a post overlooking his domain
that rooster raised the heart rate and blood pressure of many a visitor to our country n
he did it to my wife she almost on a daily basis
my relationship with him was a so so one
i usually would just push him away gently with my work boot
he would attack that boot multiple times then would give up and would walk away
occasionally he would attack me from behind when i wasnt looking
the worst would be when i was squatted down
that folks would scare the bejeebies out of me
so larry kept it interesting for a long time at the country n
one day when i went to let the chickens out of the coop
there hung larry from a wire on a fence
he had gotten entangled and hung upside which led to his demise
we never buried any of our chickens
we let nature take its course
as much as we feared larry
he did his job
he took care of his girls
larry got his own grave and its probably still marked there
the legend
i hope you are still resting in peace
the organicgreen doctor