all 3 bind to amyloid plaques or amyloid to remove them from the brain
by removing this amyloid plaque it is thought and hoped that this will slow down the disease
not stop it or prevent it but slow it down
there were a couple that were developed that didnt work at all
then my drug aduhelm came along
it got fda approval but had a stormy course so that now its off the market
it worked but its sister drug leqembi probably works better so biogen chose to drop aduhelm and keep leqembi
the aduhelm after 34 monthly infusions removed all my measurable amyloid plaque
leqembi was approved by the fda and is being given to folks all over the country for early alzheimers
its given as a twice a month infusion at infusions centers
studies are being done so it can be given as a shot at your home
if approved that may be the way to go is to get the shot at home
then there is kisunia which is given once a month and probably works better but also probably has more side effects
its given as an infusion for a shorter period of time less than a year maybe
no one seems to know yet what to do once the initial treatment is done
we will have thousands of folks like me who have no measurable amyloid plaque wondering what to do next
now a new drug called remternetug is in phase 3 clinical trials
it works slightly different than these 3 but similar
it removes the amyloid also but probably with slightly more side effects
im sure it will get fda early approval once this phase 3 study is done
we will have 3 drugs to chose from
im not sure which one i will chose but i will watch this new one as it moves through the clinical trials and the fda approval process
here is a review article of the 3 drugs from alzheimers weekly
i just dont want that stuff that amyloid to reaccumulate in my brain
my suggestion is if you are early diagnosed with mci due to alzheimers or early alzheimers that you consider using one of these drugs
they may slow down memory decline by up to 30%
the major risk is aria or amyloid related imaging abnormalities manifesting as edema or bleeds
the instance is low and most resolve and the meds can be continued
i had no aria
those with the apoe4/apoe4 gene are at highest risk for these bleeds
an mri an apoe4 genetic test and an amyloid pet scan or a spinal tap for amyloid or tau are required to be screened before receiving one of these drugs
also during treatment regular mris of the brain are done to rule out aria
the only other thing that can be offered to you is aricept to slow down symptoms and to do all the healthy things one needs to be doing
sit and wait
if you wait too long and let the disease progress then these 3 drugs dont work
for me i prefer to be proactive so i sought treatment
will it make a difference
i may not ever know
but i have no regrets in doing it
if you are in the santa barbara area join us for our walk to end alzheimers at the link below
join a walk where you live
here is the link to our team organicgreendoctor to join or donate
see you on saturday november 16th at chase palm park
the organicgreen doctor
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