i am a strong advocate for alzheimers disease
i am a strong advocate for the alzheimers association
each friday when i do my blog my topic that day
is alzheimers disease
we are getting closer every day to finding a cure or a treatment
i just read of a study in austria using a new compound that is in
phase 1 studies
theres phase 1 then phase 2 then if all goes well phase 3
if phase 3 goes well they usually apply for fda approval
in this new study the compound was given to early alzheimers
they had a decrease by 30% in their disease
not just symptoms but the disease progression itself
this may be significant
now this research on this new compound is probably sponsored
by a large drug company
research on a generic drug gets no big drug company sponsorship
it has to be privately funded by
you and i
via the national institute of health or the alzheimers association
one is our tax dollars
the other the alzheimers association is via our donations
the alzheimers association besides research funding is the
source of educational information on this disease
for patients doctors caregivers families
their biggest fund raisers are their walks to end alzheimers
you can go to this link
to find a walk in your state
donate and walk as an individual or join a team or form a team
here are the walks i will be involved with this year
my team the organicgreendoctor.com team
walks in the
williamson county walk in georgetown on saturday september 27, 2014
bell county walk in temple on saturday november 1, 2014
i walk with the austin regional clinic team in the
travis county walk in austin on sunday october 12, 2014
the little rock walk in little rock arkansas on saturday november 8, 2014
so join us for the walks that day
your donation no matter how small or large is needed
find a walk near you
help us find an answer for this disease
i will be taking a two week break from writing my blog
the organicgreen doctor
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