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its time to kill your winter weeds
by treating them before they start growing
once they pop up out of the ground
its too late to doing anything about stopping them
except to manually pull them the out of the ground
its recommended not to use the weed and feed products
that you see advertised at the big box stores and on
tv and on the radio
those weed and feed contain chemicals such as atrazine
that is not good for the environment
its actually banned in europe canada and other countries
where the chemical companies dont have so much
political influence
there are 3.3 million tons of atrazine dumped on the state
of texas each year mostly via agriculture
it is found in most city water systems
(note my water system has 0 ppm of atrazine in it since i
have a rainwater system so my frogs in my pond only have
two eyes and four legs)
if you follow the instructions and apply this stuff when its
recommended it doesnt work as the weeds have already seeded
and started growing
so what do you do
you add a product called corn gluten which is a by product of
corn production
you can get it from your local nursery or feed store
it inhibits seed production
if you want to know if it works just put some on your garden or
your yard then plant seeds or grass seeds
you wont get any seed germination
now in central texas is the time to apply corn gluten to your yard
before the winter weeds begin to germinate
then repeat the application again in february to control the
spring weeds
you apply it like you would a fertilizer and water it in so
the yellow color is washed away
this gets it into the soil
the corn gluten also acts as a mild organic fertilizer
spill some on your yard and see how green it will get in that spot
so dont weed and feed just corn gluten your yard
for the sake of your kids and your frogs
if you live in central texas its time to put out wildflower seeds
so they will have time to sprout before the spring
you can get them from your local nursery but i get mine
from the native american seed company
another source is the wildseed farms
to sow them its a good idea to rake up bare spots in your yard
sow the seeds then rake them in then walk all over them as
this pushes them into the soil
then let mother nature do the rest
you can just sow them about your yard but youll get better
seed germination by doing it this way and
in the spring it will be worth it
i have noticed that some of my bluebonnets have already popped
up out of the ground
the organicgreen doctor
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