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the team
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heres the update on our wtea team for
saturday september 29 2012 at
georgetown texas
our goal is $5000 and we have raised $3100
so far
we have 20 team members and
have had 46 donors so far
we hope to reach our goal of $5000 and are
open to anyone who wants to walk with us
that day
one of the things i want to do with this blog is to
write about things as i go along with this possible
alzheimers disease while i can
as it progresses if it does i realize that my ability to
write this blog will gradually diminish
i quit those omega 3 pills not because of the recent
journal article questioning whether they help or not
but because they were big and because i was tired
of taking extra pills
i even quit my fiber pill also that ive been taking for awhile
i sure want to quit that dam pill that aricept (donepezil)
that im on because i might have earlyearly alzheimers
even though taking it may not really help me much
30% chance itll delay things 30% chance itll stay the same
and 30% chance it wont help at all
the biggest problem with that damn pill is that it
causes insomnia
sometimes i just cant sleep as can seen by my posting
of my blog sometimes
i compensate by my noon napping to make up for lost sleep
i guess it all comes out even sometimes
but it does interfere with what i like to do sometimes
my younger brother with alzhiemers takes his at night and
never had any problem with it
it was recommended that i take it in the morning so that it
wouldnt affect my sleep
that doesnt work well
so i decided this week after two sleepless nights to take
it at bedtime like my bro does
that was a mistake
i was wide eyed all night got 3 hours sleep and was ready to
post my blog that day at 230am
so ive decided to go back to the am taking of that damn pill
and try to limit my noon nap some to see if that would help
i also cut back some of my am coffee to see if that would
help and
worse have cut back some on my chocolate
thats the hardest to do though
i do exercise every day so that helps some
i have noted that if i do an all day work day here or at
the habitat for humanity house build that i sleep real good
i do think about all those demented patients who are taking this
pill though who cant verbalize the side effects they are having
damn pill guess for now ill just have to keep taking it
i think my wet suitcase sisterinlaw and my wife she sent me
this picture for a reason
the organicgreen doctor
In your blog you state:" 30% chance itll delay things" I don't want to pick on you, but this is a pet peeve of mine. There are no drugs that slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. The available drugs (Aricept, Exelon, etc) boost the functioning of the undamaged brain cells. These drugs may improve symptoms. They do not slow the progression of the disease. The disease marches on unabated. I think that is a very important distinction for people to understand and consider when deciding to take or not to take these meds.
Deletethanks for the comment
ive always written in this blog that there is nothing that will slow down the progression of the disease itself yet
aricept (donepezil) only delays the symptoms ie
30% will have improved symptoms 30% will have no change in symptoms and 30% it will not do anything
for me its worth taking it knowing that my symptoms-the progression of short term memory loss might be delayed some possibly by as much as 5 years since i was started so early on it
and yes eventually it will not delay the symptoms any longer and the disease symptoms will take off again
for me putting up with the side effects is worth the chance for that extra time with my family
there is no other choice to delay symptoms
im not willing to take the chance on missing out on this window of time when symptoms could be delayed