welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Friday, September 7, 2012

reversible, video update

Walk to End Alzheimers
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in dementia and alzheimers weekly this last week 
they reviewed some reversible casues of memory loss

these are things ive mentioned before that we look for
when someone presents with memory loss

we are looking for things to treat to make the 
memory loss better

these things were screened on me when i presented 
for my first evaluation 
also these tests are repeated at the visits for the adni
alzheimers disease neuroimaging initiative study that 
i am in 

medications such as antihistamines notable are benadryl
or meclizine or the long acting ones we all take for 
our allergies
also sleeping pills and pain pills are on the list

alcohol and illicit drug use
excessive alcohol can affect the b vitamins and both can
affect the brain 

stress especially emotional stress can cause memory loss
to the extreme is psychogenic amnesia where the patient 
can forget who they are and can wander around lost
it usually resolves on its on 

depression is common with aging and can affect memory 
treatment usually improves memory 
i get screened for depression at each visit

thyroid problems either underactive or overactive can interfere
with remembering things

sleep deprivation can cause memory loss
whether its from stress insomnia or sleep apnea

nutritional deficiencies of vitamin b1 and b12 can affect memory 
loss and is easily replaced with a pill or shot

another cause of memory loss and confusion is normal 
pressure hydrocephalus in which there is increased pressure
in the fluid in the brain
this is usually detected by ct scan or mri of the brain 
its easily treated with a shunt to relieve the pressure
and the recovery in these patients is remarkable
there are stories of patients who are in a nursing home who 
after shunt surgery become near normal again driving and 
living back at home

my last year of practice i discovered a patient with this 
who was having problems with walking and who had 
gotten confused
the dementia or memory loss work up was done and the normal 
pressure hydrocephalus was discovered
after having the surgery the recovery was impressive

with dementia work ups this is what we are looking for
treatable reversible causes

as we all know 
alzheimers is not treatable 
it can only be slowed

also the video on my story is now on 
the national institutes of healths website 
and was referenced in 
the last alzheimers weekly

the organicgreen doctor

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