thats what i tell everyone
especially after some recent studies that show that
marijuana may slow down or prevent alzheimers
lucky willie
he has been treating himself for years
hes even been jailed for it
treating himself to prevent alzheimers
what a martyr
so what do you do if you catch grandma
stoking a joint
well after reading the study
i say
keep her supplied
she will know who you are a little longer
it seems the brain makes thc the chemical in marijuana that makes
it make you feel good
the chemicals made in the brain are shall we say
first cousins
the chemicals it appears may slow down or prevent the production
of beta amyloid
the culprit they think that causes alzheimers
these chemicals are called endocannabinoids
so in the lab when they gave the marijuana chemicals
to growing nerve cells that produced beta amyloid
it wasnt produced and they continued living
those that didnt get the weed chemicals they died
so the theory is that using thc chemicals from marijuana
may work to slow down or if started younger
may prevent the disease
oh thats right
there are so many controls on marijuana research
that it is hard to do
at least in the usa
its only grown on a farm controlled by the federal government
its hard to obtain the plants for research
even though as all of us know its readily available
no matter where you live
it will be sad if this stuff does work
we cant do the research to find out
hopefully some foreign country is doing it for us
this research mentioned above is being done overseas
thanks guys
now willie we are happy your brain will be around for us
in the future
just hope you voice and lungs hold up
for pretreating yourself to prevent this horrible disease
i say
no matter what drug it takes to cure or prevent this disease
lets do it
quit putting limits on its research

lets put a boot to alzheimers
donate and or join my team organicgreendoctor
for the alzheimers texas williamson county walk on september 24th
to join the team you will need to register first
to only donate just hit the donate button
the organicgreen doctor
Your title made me worry. I thought you were gonna tell what-happens-at-granny's-stays-at-granny's secrets. Whew! Love you!