welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

dear ms b-dont visit us


ms b
thats what i would say to you
dont visit us
in the summer

one of your aunties who lives in the nice cool climate
where you live
after visiting us in the heat of july
said something like
if god wanted to torture someone
just turn them into a black cow
make them live in texas in july

i thought about that yesterday
as i worked outside
at a habitat location
trimming up trees on a new lot
where the next house will be built

now ms b
it was 800am
i worked some early on in the shade of the trees
that i was trimming up
i still felt like that black cow out in the pasture
in the hot sun
i sweated so much i was drenched
i drank almost a gallon of water in three hours
i got a little dizzy when i stood up
i started getting chills
i knew that wasnt good
i took what i called a mr brewer break
a delightlful 80+ year old former neighbor
who use to mow his grass in the mid afternoon
he would mow for 10 minutes
then take a 10 minute break in the shade

after doing a lengthy mr brewer method break
i soon recovered

so i thought about you
ms b
always living in an environment that ranges from the 50s
to the upper 70s or low 80s
heck people there complain about the heat when it gets
most folks there dont even have air conditioning
some dont even have heat
its shorts and flip flop weather all year round
i wear a sweat shirt jeans and shoes when im there
i just freeze when im there

yesterday as i sat there thinking of you
i thought
she just cant come visit us in the summer
she would melt
she would have to stay inside
i remember
you are a kid
you probably love water
you are tougher

we would introduce you to
the lakes
barton creek pool
blue hole
deep eddy pool
the multiple caverns around here
inside the childrens museum
our hot tub turned way down
our river down by our house
heck i would teach you to skip rocks on the water
the multiple parks here with their shades and water
since we make a ton of electricity in the summer with our solar
we would just use it up
on air conditioning to keep the inside climate
the same as where you live

your gma my wife she
does that anyway

come see us in the summer
we will keep you cool
not sure your parents will survive it though
you can leave them there
dont bring no black clothes

the organicgreen doctor

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