welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Thursday, August 24, 2017

sb country n news-why i do it


why do you do it
all that work
when you could go to the farmers market
whole foods or trader joes or a produce market
get the same stuff
without all the sweat and tears that goes along with

all i can say is
read the rest of this
look at the last two pictures
thats why

one of my neighbor gardeners came up to me
shes the flower person in the gardens
would you like this sunflower
i was thinking the usually yellow one
i put it in the ground
not knowing it would look like this
this last week i harvested a handful from the garden
giving some away
the rest went into a vase at our new condo

this is my tomato row
i planted purple hull peas from arkansas
along the side of them
with beans on the other side
when i moved here the first thing i did was plant stuff
especially the tomatoes
knowing that i was already a couple months behind
i am just now starting to get some tomato production
i have a few heirloom ones that are large and green
that should be ripe soon
my wife she is not allowed near these
no fried green tomatoes are allowed from my garden

the local gardens that sell at the farmers market
will let her come out to their place
to get nice big ones to make those
delicious fried green tomatoes
they taste better knowing they are not from my garden

this is a japanese eggplant
notice the leaves have lots of holes in them
some folks would ocd over the holes
my take is
as long as i can get my produce produced
the insects can just enjoy themselves

this is a zucchini squash
now in texas at the country n garden
i gave up on my growing of squash
because of the squash boerer
which would completely wipe out the squash
after about one crop
here they dont seem to be a problem
i am on several pickings of squash with no end in site
i hope
here is a quicky overall harvest from my garden
today i plan to harvest more
bell peppers banana peppers small cherry tomatoes jalapeno peppers
eggplant squash basil swiss chard kale
soon i will be harvesting beans

here is a dish with peppers swiss chard tomatoes eggplant
that is one of my favorite dishes
my wife she cooks this one
this is one of the reason i garden
to eat straight from the garden

this is the other reason i like to garden

the picture speaks for itself

the organicgreen doctor

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