welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Thursday, April 30, 2020

back to the future organic soup

these soups are the absolutely best soups i have ever tasted

here are the ingredients of the thai bone broth chicken stew
these soups are loaded with calories and nutrition
they are really made for folks who have cancer or who are on chemo who need the extra calories and nutrition or any person who might need those extra calories and nutrition
for me
i call it my post covid 19 recovery soup

when i graduated from high school i weighed 165 lbs
when i crawled out of my 2 week felt like i was dying quarantine i weighed myself a week later
i weighed 172 lbs
almost my high school weight

the covid 19 mainly attacked my gi tract and most of the post quarantine symptoms i am having are due to i think those persistent remaining symptoms

i have to make myself eat every day
i realized this last week that this must be what folks feel like that go through chemo and have issues eating and getting in enough calories and nutrition
i can tolerate these organic food kitchen soups ok
they are the best soups i have eaten along with my wet suitcase sister in laws soups
thats another story
my wife she makes a great chicken dumplings and an out of the refrigerator soup
that i can dump extra calories into
pads of butter
squirts of olive oil

why do i know about the organic soup kitchen here

my wife she and my wet suitcase sister in law did volunteer food prep for them for thanksgiving one year
an acquaintance had these two soups above from the organic soup kitchen and dropped them by
she heard we had the covid 19 and i had all that weight loss so she dropped off these containers
of the organic soup kitchen soups
each week before the covid 19 virus hit so bad in this area they would come to our garden where i volunteer to pick up lots of fresh organic veggies like kale leeks tomatoes peppers celery cabbage onions collards broccoli swiss chard lettuces etc
these were used in their soups

since the outbreak of covid 19 they have started using canned organic vegetables and other sources since they are able to maintain a more regular supply of veggies that way since the demand has increased

we have redirected our organic veggies now to other food needy programs until things change

you can read about this organic soup kitchen at this link
donate monies if you can

why do i call this the back to the future organic soup
watch this short youtube video below
i have met him twice
he is the nicest person
my wife she and i qualify based on our age to get free regular supplies of this delicious nutritious veggie soup  since we are over 60 years old
we plan to order a regular supply each week for our lunches to hopefully puts some meat back on my bones but not on my wife shes
as long as we arent taking away from others who need it more than us
we will do a regular weekly donation to cover the costs
its $15 a container which is 3 servings per container

hopefully i can have access to these soups at least until i get a good weight gain
maybe i need to take mr hudsons appetite pill he takes to make himself hungry

an update
i feel the best i have felt today than i have in almost 2 weeks
my appetite is better

i have learned how to be invisible
i just turn sideways and you cant see me
i have to be careful in the wind since i might blow away
i have a new nickname its twiggy
i am about to run out of holes on my belt

i hope to put my weight back on until i reach the weight where i would like to be
which would be about a 15 lb weight gain

its my back to the future weight gain goal

the organicgreen doctor

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