welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

happy birthday


yesterday would have been his 73rd birthday
he died in the final stages of alzheimers when he was 62
he died in 2013
this was 3 years after i was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment due to alzheimers disease

the last time i saw him was in the early morning the day after our family reunion which he was able to attend
thanks to his family for doing that since it was probably the last time many of his siblings and relatives saw him 
he wasnt there but i think he knew us as we talked to him and hugged and patted him on the shoulder or kissed his forehead
that for many was their last memory of him

my last memory was that morning by myself and just him
i patted his shoulder
said good bye
i knew it would be the last time i saw him
i cried a lot that day and the next morning sitting by myself
he died surrounded by his family a few weeks later

i realized looking at him that that was where i would be in a few years
in fact
if you would have asked me where i would be in 2024 i would say 
like he was that day
but im not
im the lucky one

his journey a painful one was the mirror at which i see myself
knowing thats what would happen to me
knowing i couldnt slow things down
luckily for me though
i have been able to slow things downs some
i know 
this is whats in store for me

i just dont know when i will fall off that alzheimers cliff like he did
i just hope my fall is a slow gradual one
my infusions of aduhelm may have bought me some time
how much i dont know

he was known for his smile
his jokestering
he and i use to double up and pick on our older witty brother in law
it was something we always did at reunions
he was
a father
a grandfather
an uncle
a deputy sheriff
a fireman
an avid fisherman and hunter
a husband
a fun person to be with

he is missed
i dread his birthday every year
since it brings reality to me

we miss you

if you are in our family tree please take care of your health so you may not end up like him or like i will be
eat a mind diet
control your weight blood pressure cholesterol
stay active mentally physically socially
get adequate restful sleep
limit alcohol
dont smoke if you do quit
control stress anxiety depression
be happy 
seek clinical trials if you are in our family tree
there are studies now treating at risk folks before symptoms start

he and i if it had been available may have been able to be treated with new alzheimers drugs maybe twenty years before we were diagnosed
that is happening now in clinical trials

so if you are a generation or two behind us
be ready
prevention treatment will be available
in the mean time
do all those healthy things listed above

we miss you
we were both born 20 years too soon

the organicgreen doctor

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