when i was diagnosed six years ago
well it is about 6 years ago
when i was diagnosed
i never returned to practice
after that fateful neurology appointment
giving me my diagnosis
that prescription for aricept (donnepezil)
the drug used to treat alzheimers patients when they
were first diagnosed
at the time i was using diet and exercise
to control my blood pressure and my cholesterol
it really wasnt getting the two where they needed to be
close real close
as i read more and more about maintaining all those healthy things
one was to do for slowing down alzheimers
it was obvious to me
that i need to be more aggressive in controlling
my blood pressure
my cholesterol
so i finally gave in
i eventually got on an arb angiotensin receptor blocker blood pressure pill
that research showed to be the better one for using
in folks at risk for alzheimers disease
its working keeping my blood pressure where it needs to be
i began attacking my cholesterol
since reading more on the apoe 4 gene that i have
i realize that a high cholesterol was part of that genes effect
i was placed on an aggressive statin treatment for my cholesterol
my insurance chose generic lipitor for me
since they always know whats best for patients
but in a recent study done looking at the statins
it worked as well if not better than the others
but the difference wasnt much between the different statins
the risk of alzheimers in white males was decreased
by 17% by atorvastatin the generic lipitor
all this adds to the saying
whats good for the heart is good for the brain
in a study done overseas in europe
there was a 40% decrease in alzheimers risk in the population
by a lifetime of doing all those healthy things we are
suppose to be doing every day
my plan is
stay on my atorvastatin
say on my arb blood pressure med
keep taking all my reversal of cognitive decline supplements
continue eating and living healthy
protecting my
my brain
and you
what are you doing for your brain
the organicgreen doctor
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