the apoe 4 gene puts you at risk for developing late onset alzhemers disease
if you get one version its increased up to 5 times
if you get the double version it may be increased up to 10-20 times
i have the apoe 4 double version of the apoe 4 gene
i probably got the covid 19 infection
did the apoe 4 gene make me at risk to get the covid 19
according to the study linked here
apoe 4 is involved in cholesterol transport and in inflammation
it may be the involvement in inflammation that makes a double variant apoe 4 person to tend to get the more severe form of covid 19 infections
the researchers looked at people who had the double version of apoe 4 then looked at how severe the infection was that these people had
these apoe 4 apoe 4 patients had a two times increase in the severe cases of covid 19 as compared to apoe 3 apoe 3 patients
some researchers wondered if it was because apoe 4 double version patients tended to have alzheimers disease at a greater rate than folks without the apoe 4 gene
having alzheimers disease puts you at risk for not only covid 19 but also other infections like pneumonia and flu
there is a inflammatory response that is involved in these severe cases
could the apoe 4 inflammatory response be the reason they got more severe illness
patients with alzheimers disease and the elderly are more vulnerable to the covid 19
many alzheimers patient are in long term care facility which are themselves high risk places to be
they these long term care facilities have been sources of some outbreaks
if you are around an elderly person or one with alzheimers or dementia
be safe
wear a mask around them
keep 6ft distance from them
wash your hands before and after seeing them
dont touch your face or nose
the organicgreen doctor
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