since i was diagnosed almost 10 years ago i have been interviewed multiple times by newspapers and television reporters and students from high schools and colleges about my story and about alzheimers disease
i never turn them down
the best and the most well written article linked here was by mary ann roser from the austin american statesman who was at that time the medical writer for the paper
she did an interview for over 2 hours at our country n with me
she also interviewed my wife she for a long time
she interviewed my office nurse our clinic administrator the head of our clinic my neurologist who was also the investigator for the adni alzheimers study i was in at ut southwesteren the research director there and a top well known alzheimers researcher from harvard
she did a good thorough job
it was published in the austin american statesman but was also picked up by the associated press and was published in papers across the us
i got messages from friends and family who saw it in their local papers
mary ann roser and i have stayed in contact over the years
she follows my blog
once on a flight from austin to san francisco she was on the plane
we sat together for part of the flight
she did most of the talking like she was reinterviewing me
about a year ago i got a facebook message from her
she said you know you should take your alzheimers blogs you have written over the last 10 years and make it into a book
i told her im not sure i have the energy and skill to do that
instead i look at my old blogs and clean them up some then write what i think about it 10 years later
i have so far redone 42 of them and i havent gotten through the first year yet
its interesting to see some of my thinking back then and compare it to where i am now
i must say getting ill with the covd 19 and having issues after leaving quarantine that are still lingering even almost 2 months later
it does make you rethink things a lot
ive written before when i was at my low point when i was sick i really worried that this was it
i was going to be really disappointed that all that effort and work i did for 10 years was going to be just wiped out by this fing virus
its looking like i may come out on the the side mostly intact minus a few lbs
i feel like a shipwrecked survivor who looks like crap
over time is able to return back to normal
here is the link from the archives of the austin american statesman on the article
a reporter from the statesman use to call me every 3 years to do a follow up article on how i was doing
these are also in their archives
here is the link from the deseret news from salt lake city of the same article
thank you again mary ann roser for a job well done
we need more newspaper writers like you
the article in the austin american-statesman was published today
here is the link to the article
note this link no longer is available see above for the archive link
this article was written after a 2 hour interview with me at my house
by mary roser the reporter for the american-statesman
she is very good at doing interviews
and seems to understand the essence of my story and captured it well
thanks to her for a good job
i have decided not to do a regular blog today but to let this article be
my blog today as it does capture the essence of what i am and what
i want to do
if you are new to this blog read last fridays blog about how to
navigate some of my past blog postings
thanks to jeff carlton for writing the article for the ut southwestern
alzheimers research center and for helping arrange the interview
with mary roser
here is his article at this link see pages 2 and 4
i am impressed with the professionalism that both these reporters
have and how well they seem to reach the essence of my story
in these times where newspapers and internet news and television
news are not using reporters any more to do stories
ive realized how important they are to getting the stories right
take the day today to think about alzheimers disease and how it
has affected your life and how it will affect your life in the future
get involved in some way
jeff carlton also did a lengthy interview with me and wrote the article for the alzheimers centers newsletter about my story linked above
rereading this sure makes my brain go into full gear thinking about the last 10 years
which is good for jump starting some of my brain cells that have been inactive for a few weeks
the organicgreen doctor
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