welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Friday, February 10, 2023

alzheimers news-what do you do now that you are diagnosed


there was no road map for me on what to do after you are diagnosed
lucky for me i was diagnosed early so i have had over 12 years to figure out what to do

beingpatient.com website has a new link for what to do when you are diagnosed
its linked here
its a good place to start
its title is
what to expect after a dementia diagnosis

like with a cancer diagnosis you cant be passive
you have to be active and involved in your care

as i have written before if you are in the alzheimers world this being patient is a good website to follow
you can find my interview on there that i did with them over a year ago
its in video form and written form

like i said i figured it all out using my forced retirement time and my medical knowledge
i also used the alzheimers association website www.alz.org to help sort it all out

i also was in a clinical trial first at ut southwestern in dallas and later at ucla
i was interacting a lot with alzheimers researchers asking questions and reading their newsletters
i did a lot of reading on the internet eg i receive a newsfeed of about 5-10 articles about alzheimers each day 
i have been doing that now for 12 years

add all that up and ive learned a lot about what to do

sadly most folks with the diagnosis of alzheimers dont have time to do this
they commonly are diagnosed too late

i also have been on a lot of alzheimers panels and have done alzheimers talks and have done q an a sessions with groups

i consider myself a knowledgeable lay person about alzheimers disease

i frequently get contacted to help folks about getting worked up or to answer questions about what to do

doing all of this has allowed me to find the clinical trial i am in called the embark study of aduhelm or aducanumab for slowing down the disease
when i finish i will have received close to 4 years of infusions
well enough to wipe out the amyloid plaques in my brain

so if you are new to the alzheimers world knowledge of the disease and what to expect is important to you whether you are a patient or a family member

knowledge is power

i have applied what i have learned and shared it with others
its has allowed me to be here 12 years later writing my daily blog spending time with my family and doing things i enjoy like gardening
something i didnt envision doing now 12 years later

there are a lot of sources of information and lot of folks and organizations that want to help you

i would start with those links above

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the organicgreen doctor

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