ive written about texting before
texting while driving-what more can be said than dont do it
its like drinking and driving
bad things have happen to people who do this as well as
to innocent people in other cars and pedestrians
pedtexting is texting while walking-heck ive done this one a few times
ive even walked off a curb and walked into other people and
walked into a post but at least i didnt walk into the water
like that one lady did or walk into that fountain like another one did
cyclotexting is texting while bicycling-my wet suitcase sisterinlaw
crashed her bike that one time when she tried it
jetexting is texting while flying-no not you texting while you on an airplane
some pilots have been caught texting instead of flying the airplane
that one bothers me
sure makes me not want to fly
the captain asks that you turn off your cell phones please
doesnt apply to him
skitexting is texting while skiing-i now my sisterinlaw and her crew
have done that one
you think she would learn her lesson
now there is sleep texting or
i dont think ive done this one yet
it seems its the younger generation that does so much texting all day
long that are the ones susceptible to sleeptexting
also those who have to get up in the middle of the night to communicate
across the globe to folks in china and elsewhere
some people wake up and text their dreams before they really wake up
you know when you are in that no mans land between the dream and
i wonder if ambien use can cause sleeptexting since people sleepeat
and sleepdrive on that stuff
maybe what i should do is sleeptext my aricept dreams that i have
sometimes well almost every night
that way i would always remember what they were about
maybe i could text to my blog and just post them
how to prevent sleeptexting
turn the dam thing off
put it across the room or leave it downstairs
im surprised my wife she hasnt sleeptexted before
since she loves her smartphone so much
its an extention of her left hand now
then there is dystextia
you know like
dyslexia-you see words backwards and all jumbled up
dysgraphicism-thats what i have but thanks to the computer and
spell check you dont notice it
i think all doctors have this problem
dystextia is separate from butttexting or that texting that autocorrect does for
you sometimes that makes your message all garbaly
dystexia was demonstrated recently from this article from npr
a pregant young lady was leaving the obs office after a checkup
her husband texts whats the deal
she texts everywhere thinging days nighing
she texts some is where
he texts what the hell does that mean
he texts you are not making sense
well it seems his wife was having a stroke
he recognized something was wrong
this was more than butttexting
he met her and took her to the hospital
she was having a stroke involving the area of the brain that
affects speech
usually with this type of stroke a persons speech would be impaired
but this lady had laryngitis and couldnt talk so no one noticed it
so dystexia can be a sign of a stroke
which tree drove french fries cloudy days
no just teasing
the organicgreen doctor
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