alzheimers disesae
the 6th leading cause of death in the us
some think its number 3
5,800,000 people have it in the us
by 2050 that number will around 14,000,000
caregivers give 18,500,000,000 hours of care
valued at $235,000,000,000
it will cost the nation $290,000,000,000
by 2050 it will cost us $1,100,000,000,000
this is when it may break the healthcare bank
yes thats our kids generation
82% of seniors say its important to have memory testing
only 16% have regular assessments
every 65 seconds someone develops alzheimers disease
between 2000 and 2017 heart disease deaths decreased by 9%
alzheimers deaths increased by 145%
1 in 3 seniors die from alzheimers and related dementias
it kills more than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined
folks those are grim statistics that arent getting better it seems over the last 8 years since i have been diagnosed
it seems we are making progress its just those numbers above dont really confirm that
in regards to my attempts to do my part to alter those stats at least for myself and my family
i am in the long term extension part of biogens aducanumab study
the aducanumab infusions remove the beta amyloid protein from the brain that is believed to start the process of alzheimers
im getting the real drug but will not be told what dose i am getting
from what i know and since i have the apoe 4/apoe 4 gene i am probably getting the mid range dose
of 6 mg per infusion
unless the study is broken ill never really know
until that is when i start getting the drug after the fda approval then i might learn the dose
i hope
i have several mris of the brain at the beginning then in a few months i will go to just the monthly infusions only for awhile
i also have more memory testing here at the beginning then that tapers off as the long term extension phase progresses
i thought a lot about those stats above and my personal situation when i was with mr hs nephrology appointment
here i am at the end of life facing a terrible disease that i am trying to slow down with whats available
here mr h is at the beginning of his life facing a terrible disease that he is trying to slow down with whats available
i must say though lucky guy his prognosis is much better than mine
we are kindred spirits
the organicgreen doctor
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