welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Monday, October 7, 2013

they waived, wow

if youve read this blog you know that im a supporter of obamacare
its not the best system that could have been developed but at least
its a system we didnt have but we do now

its not the one i would have wanted
as ive written before i really think we should have a one payer system
heck we all are going to be on a one payer system eventually anyway
its called medicare

i have three brothers who were in the military and are now retired from
the military
they have been on a one payer system for years

we have 8 kids in our family and 5 of the 8 were or are now on
a single payer system
in a few years real soon all 8 of us will be on a single payer system
it will work for us and it would probably work for anyone

i probably will be on an obamacare policy once i can get back online
and complete my application
after a couple more years though i will be on the single payer system

it was with interest that ive watched how florida and texas who has the
most uninsured people in the united states have decided to forgo the
expansion of medicaid
they hope to remain a third world country when it comes to that groups
health care ie the lack of health care

then enters the little engine that could
it has a democratic governor and a republican legislature
usually that means stalemate
like we are seeing now with the us government
nothing gets done

but they got together and came up with a new idea
lets take that money the feds were going to give us for those people
caught between medicaid and the new exchanges
and instead of what texas and florida didnt do

lets take the money and buy health insurance for those folks

now thats a novel idea isnt it

so the feds said ok lets try it
so they gave arkansas a waiver to do ti

so in arkansas instead of not covering those thousands of people
they now will buy them their own policies on the exchanges
which arkansas also set up themselves instead of
letting the feds do it for them

cost to arkansas for this initial plan is zero

seems to simple an idea to really work
now other states are looking at his idea to cover those poor and
uninsured people in their states

go arkansas
your not number one in football
but you are number one in innovation and original thought when it
comes to finding a solution to the states healthcare problems

rick you might go visit little rock for some ideas

that game yeserday between the broncos and cowboys was the
best football game i think i have ever seen

i watched it on dvr and was i ever glad
it allowed me to rest some between plays

they just need to go ahead and cancel the rest of the season and
give peyton manning the mvp trophy and the broncos the super bowl

the organicgreen doctor

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