welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

garden news-my sanctuary waiting room

the garden is where i can go to really relax
i like to get there early so i have the whole place to myself
its quiet except for the birds and the chickens
its my happy place
i can look up at the mountains usually they have a mist or low clouds around them
as the sun comes up you can see it climb down the mountain as it moves up in the sky

its beautiful and peaceful

if it wasnt for the covid 19 outbreak i would be sitting in the surgery waiting room with mr hudsons parents waiting that long wait for word on how mr hudson is doing
he should have his transplant started at around 915am pacific time
it will be a 4-5 hour surgery
i cant be there but again im glad his parents can both be there
i decided i want to be in my garden
i want it to be the waiting room while i wait for word on how he is doing

mr hudson loves the garden
thats him above playing in the edge of their garden with his truck
he loves to eat things that grow in there like the small sungold tomatoes and the green beans
he likes to dig in the garden also

he absolutely loves coming to my garden in the community garden
seeing the chickens
digging in the dirt
playing in the bird bath

the last time he was there was 3 months ago
he plucked sweet peas off the vine and ate them after i unzipped them open for him
after i got sick and the covid 19 hit around here we decided to not bring him there anymore until some time in the future

since he is immunocompromised now and will be even more so once he starts his anti rejection drugs his entry into the garden and playing in the soil and compost and being around the chickens has to be limited for now

its his happy place
its my happy place
this is where i will putter and keep myself busy while i wait today
i know if he was with me he would love to be there with me

i volunteer here in the community garden 2-3 days a week
most of the veggies you see growing there in the larger central part of the garden that we donate i have planted them or prepped the beds or planted the seeds to begin with

there is always enough to do there to keep be busy
tomorrow thats where i will be
in my happy place
mr hudson would understand thats where i am when he gets his new kidney

i of course would much rather be in the surgery waiting room waiting there
being in the garden will keep me busy while i wait

we are with you today mr hudson
i cant wait to see you soon when you get out of the hospital in 10-14 days
my thats a long time to wait

the organicgreen doctor

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