you know how when you go out to eat at a restaurant
order a bottle of wine to drink with your meal
the wine person brings over the bottle
lets you look at the label
ok you are suppose to say
he will open it in front of you
they always seem to use the simple opener they
carry in their pocket
the cork is popped
i think you are suppose to smell the cork
they pour a small amount in the glass
you are suppose to
swirl it around several times
sniff sniff sniff it
take a taste
say its good thank you
all this i must say
seems fufuish to me
i just say
pour me a full glass please
i dont swirl it or smell it
i do what you are suppose to do
i drink it
this week i read an article that changes my approach
from now on
i plan on swirling and sniffing that glass real good
so it looks like the swirl you see in a toilet
when you flush
after reading this article i plan to
stick my nose deep down in the glass
snort me a big snort of that stuff into my nose
hold it as long as i can
so it can get absorbed into my smeller nerve
yep im agonna sniff all my wine real good
from now on
even if i drink box wine
what the heck are you talking about
you gone nuts or something
they by they i mean researchers
did a study on 13 people who were
if you dont know what that is
im not gonna tell you
you will need to just google it like i did
so they took 13 sommeliers and 13 non sommeliers
did scans on them
what they found on the scans were that the areas of the
brain that handles smelling and memory
larger and thicker
in the sommeliers
these are the areas of the brain
where alzheimers attack first
making this part of the brain atrophy as the disease progresses
the thinking is that these
you looked it up yet
have a less chance of getting alzheimers
if you are a non sommelier
what ive deciced to do
is to snort my wine
be fufuish when i drink my wine
so dont think ive changed from the simple soul i am
you see me
swish sniff swish sniff slow taste
my merlot
take a deep snort of it
my 36 point regimen for memory loss prevention
has now changed to a
37 point regimen
we are one week away from our williamson county
alzheimers texas walk to raise funds to support
research here and education services for alzheimers
this only happens if we get donations to fund these

lets put a boot to alzheimers
donate and or join my team organicgreendoctor
for the alzheimers texas williamson county walk on september 24th
in georgetown texas
donate and or join our team austin regional clinic
for the alzheimers texas travis county walk on october 8th
in austin texas
to join the team you will need to register first
to only donate just hit the donate button
the organicgreen doctor
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