welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Monday, September 26, 2016

we did it


Alzheimer's Texas

last february i got the email letting me know that the
central texas chapter
now known as the
alzheimers texas
would be pulling out of the alzheimers association
like other well established chapters did
san diego los angeles new york chicago etc

it seems that all the funds raised would have been  sent
to the national office
leaving less control
less funds going back into the
central texas area for education and support

the board and directors
felt it would be better for the central chapter to be
which it had really been operating as for 25 years
being a strong willed chapter

i was skeptical but decided to continue to support them
as i have for the last 6 years

i have seen and see up close where the money goes
from these fund raising events
all going to the local cause of alzheimers
all staying here in central texas
i just like the feel of doing it this way

for this area its the best way i think

so the funds we raised for our alzheimers texas this weekend
all $40,000+ will all stay around here
to pay for local research
education about this awful disease
alzheimers disease

this weekend our team
the organicgreendoctor
got together to join the 500+ walkers
at san gabriel park in georgetown texas
for the williamson county alzheimers walk

all for the same cause

most of us walking are affected by alzhiemers in some way

this young lad has been walking with me for the last 6 years
a former patient he lost his grandmother recently to this
awful disease
here he is today

this cute as a bug little girl
cuter than a ladybug
another former patient
has walked before
she is walking for me dr duck
also is walking for her grandpa who has alzheimers disease

so we slowly walked over the 2+ miles
all for the same cause
teary stories being told along the way

i recognized
former patients
folks that have been to my talks
folks i worked with
folks with the disease
folks in the alzheimers research studies like me

we were all walking for the same cause

a treatment and cure
for our families behind us
for you and your family

we did it this weekend

thanks to all of you who either donated
and or gave your moral support

we also have another alzheimers walk my wife she and i are doing
the austin regional clinic team
the travis county alzheimers texas walk
at fort mabry
saturday october 8th 2016

come join us

the thankful organicgreen doctor

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